dwc 6 seed bonanza

leet haxor

The set up. the upstairs tent 4x2x6 dark room. The fan 4" inline fan with carbon filter that i refill weekly during flowering. The odor controll on top of the tent is a german anion ozone generator runs 12/12 of my light timer. The lights 2 42 watt cfls 3 23 watt cfls and 150 watt hps with white reflective ballast. The nutrients I was using technafloras bc breifcase but i like the dyna grow and dyna bloom better and its cheaper. The air pump active aqua 6 outlet comercial 45 litre per hour pump. Info I have been a long time soil grower and will bedoing a four 1 gallon bucket grow in my closet at the same time i do the dwc so i can compare the 2. The buckets are set up to drip irigate on a timer so i dont have to do any thing but mix nutes and dump them in the controler bucket and walk away. The dwc is a 10 gallon res 6 site system it has 1 sun leaves air stone running off the active aqua pump. now for some math I normally get 1 ounce per plant with just 7 cfls in dirt. This will be the first time ive used a 150 hps in a grow. hopefully the buckets will bring in about 4.5 oz. And the dwc system will bring around 6-7 oz. perferably. I always grow mystery seeds cause i like the variety of plants all different shapes and sizes. some short and squat. and some long and tall. you never know what you going to get. and it lets you hone your growing skills.

tottal cost to build bucket system 5 buckets from dollar tree $5
1 drip irigation kit from harborfreight $5
1 260 gph pump $0 freebie

dwc cost 1 six site sytem with nutes, ph kit ,150 hps $139
1 4x2x6 tent dark room $60
1 4 inch inline fan $20
1 active aqua 45 lph pump $40

any way the seeds have sprouted and have been placed into the dwc system the ph of the water is around 5.8 and no nutriens untill till the second set of true leafs.
oh yeah i almost forgot i grow 12/12 from seed every time. I dont have the paitence or the time for clonng.

leet haxor

well the hydro store i frequent doesnt have any of my favorite soil in stock so ill have to postpone drip grow for at least a week or 2. so instead i cleaned out my main closet and dug out my stealth hydro 4 plant set up. im using 1 of my red led pannels on a 24 hr schedule because they a small and just sprouted. Im really liking this dyna grow 7-9-5 nute it doesnt stain my roots like the technaflora does. the techna flora makes me root rot paranoid. open the tank and all my shits stained brown oh no. dyna grow and dyna bloom cheap and my normal green house plants love it too.
so now thats 10 seedlings in total. 6 in the tent and 4 in the closet. apparently ozonating the water 10 min a day per tank has eliminated the algae problems we have had in the past. so all is good for now. still waiting on my hps bulbs.

leet haxor

well today was another successfull res change for the stealth hydro 4 site unit 2 out of the 4 seedlings have roots in the water. the 6 site dwc in the tent has almost all the seedlings roots in the water. I have never seen seedlings this shade of dark toxic looking green. I have a feeling these plants will be fucking mosters. bag seeds are always a mystery but my favorite part is you smoked this shit herb took the seeds out grow them and have a way superior product that will absolutley couch lock you into hyper space in no time. I also orderd a digital ph meter today. so excited about not having to use ph drops any more.one less thing to replace every grow. all is well for now cant wait till their big.

leet haxor

yes today i finally got my replacement hps bulb. Its only 150 watts butt it will get the job done nicely. The only thing i dont like about the light is the ballst is in the fixture and it gets hot. today i hit temps of 85.6 i managed to get the temp down to 81.4 with the window ac unit. I just hope im not going to have res problems cause of this light. I have the hps positioned 12" from the top of the seedlings.I am going to try to go longer between res changes by just topping off with water then water and nutes on the next top off. any way well see how this light work out for now. but the moment i see heat stress of super fungi in the res its getting restricted to soil growing only

leet haxor

today i changed the rez on the 6 site. and the 4 site stealth hydro unit and there is a clear distinction between the clf grow room and the hps grow tent. the hps plants are harty and stocky and short with long beautiful roots that are pearly white and flawless. the cfl grow room roots are small and not as abundent and plants are stringy. kinda makes me want to purchase 2 or 3 more of these hps lights. im addicted to high pressure sodium i have seen the error of my dirty cfl ways.the lg stand up portable ac from lowes has made temp regulation much easier but i dont even want to see the power bill for this grow. this will be my first large production grow. normaly its 6 soil jobs 3 turn out balls and that leaves me with 3 one oz plants havested within one week of each other. but i am using a tent a closet and a bathroom with black hose runing everywhere on the floor to one central air pump. the room is a cluster fuck. not to mention i rebuild dirt bike engines in the same room so im paranoid about keeping it clean when i can. this hydro better be worth it when my state decriminalizes this stuff. i would hate to grow some dank ass shit only to be beaten in quality and price vs volume by a dispensery. my goal is quality product that is equal or greater to medicinal grade.

leet haxor

the 6 site system has been running like clock work and all i can say is that i am pleased with the results so far. the soil drip grow is doing its thang cant wait to see how it turns out. the roots in the hydro system are pearly white and i havent had a rez problem yet and the digital ph meter makes life easier and morning tank checks quicker.

leet haxor

finaly got done 2 plants female 1 hermie. total weight dry was 1 oz per plant. on the next run ill try to keep the canopy level.
one plant went super tall sterotypical sativa and the other was a genetic fuck up. if it were a person it would have super downs syndrome. the buds were super crystaly and had a strange aroma like sweet maple syrup.when dried they were a very appealing
bright green with awsome orange hairs. they look like christmas tree green and halloween orange.hydro is definatly better than soil. i would post pics but i am so fuking paranoid i doubt it will happen.