DWC and Hempy, Parabolic Mini ScrOG!


Active Member
Hmm, i think it said UK GMT, but i have no idea what that relates to in the US... thanks anyway. I'll probably try it out and if the deal isn't running its nbd. 3 less seeds...


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks! I love lol cats XD

But I broke one of my CFL's last night, gah they're so flimsy :( going to grab some reflectors for them as well as a replacement bulb from some of the proceeds of this grow, I was going to go with an HPS in a cool tube but I'm on an electric meter so I worry about the cost, oh and I have no space to put the ballast outside of the box.


Active Member
Im with you on that man. I think instead of an hps I'm gonna get a 150w cfl with reflector and maybe a 2 ft t5 for sidelighting.


Well-Known Member
Definately its the way to go! high watt CFL's I reckon out perform HPS in a small ScrOG environment anyways as penetration is not an issue! and tose T5's are pretty decent for plant growth.

I got a little bit impatient with my grow and chopped the front row down, it was only about 4 or 5 of the smaller tops and they were kinda getting squished by the door... A lot of the pistols were browning and the trichs are nice and milky so shes as near as ready :) gonna do another row or 2 on Thursday the see how she goes for the last 3 rows as they are the ones with the massive tops, I looked underneath the canopy now i have a bit of space and they're not just above the screen they're dense all the way down the curve of the stem its ridiculous lol.

anyhoo off of the 4 or 5 I chopped there's approx 30g wet, dense as a rock and this stuff smells beautiful, got a nice load of trim for butter once the rest is down too!

I'll post pics when the rest is chopped down!


Well-Known Member
i need some more lights. i was thinking low watt hps, but i don't wanna use the electric or have the heat. you guys like the 150 watt cfl? i have like 14 26 watt in the veg area which does well. the flower closet needs more juice tho. there's 10 of them on 2 small plants. they have a lot of bud sites tho so i think they really need some penetrating light. what do you guys think?
lolcats make me smile


Well-Known Member
Heat is just too much off of a HPS unless you wanna invest another bunch of money in a cool hood or summin... With a reflector the (I think they're only 125w) CFL's work very well, I'm using them and look at my nugs lol. but with the smaller CFL's you get a nice spread and can put them where they're needed. Though in all honesty (might be just because I have a thick ass canopy) but your not going to get great penetration from any CFL... If you hang them vertically on either side of the plants that would be your best bet, they're so big they pretty much cover your entire plants height anyways lol.

which reminds me, I need to post some updates before chop down, they'll be here in the next edit if it lets me :)

RIGHT!!! The moment of truth now that cloud flare has stopped playing up and I can finally post!

I've got 4 huge fucking nugs still on there :) but damn trimming wears you out, anyhoo, they're staying there for a couple more days see if I can't not get em to pack on even more weight.

So far I have now pulled about 150g wet plus 15g of popcorn XD and I reckon those 4 or so left will be 150 - 200g in themselves (they're bigger than they look) taking into account an average kind of system lol only to divide the final weight by 3'ish to allow for drying :/ anyhoo enough of my bitching, heres some pics:




Last few nugs left:


I think I keep eating pistols stuck to my fingers cos they're transferring to my biscuits :s


Well-Known Member
AK-48 Grow/Smoke report

Here's a quick one for you, I'll probably post this in the smoke report section with some changes once it's cured for longer, consider this a draft lol.

Strain: AK-48
Breeder: Nirvana
Grower: Matchbox
Grow Info:
Method; ScrOG, 10l Hempy bucket.
Vegged for 7 weeks, then topped, let her recover for another week and switched to flower. Veg nutes were miracle gro, baby bio and any other random high N ratio stuff I could find. Flower nutes B&Q Tomato food with a bit of canna terra flores and some N for good measure, this stuff is a nutrient-o-holic had her on anything up to quad strength nutes throughout flower very hardy and next to no signs of nute damage, really easy to grow.
Cure at time of smoke test:

3 Days Cure but nice and dry...

Bag Appeal: 6/10
Not the frostiest girl you'll ever grow but the orange pistols stick out all over the place and she looks alright :)

So far its not great, kinda piney but as the cure goes on it's getting a kinda musky fruity kick to it maybe needs a bit more time (this is at day 7 of cure).

So far nothing more than your usual weed you get from whoever... pretty bog standard imo, hopefully a good cure will sort that out

I found it to have a very strong couch lock stone, not as potent as I would have liked took just over a joint but I was feeling it hard for the next 3-4 hours took a while to kick in.

I'll Post dry weight when she's all dry.


Final Thoughts:
Great strain if you want a fast flowering plant (took 7 weeks and a few days) she's very easy to grow and extremely hardy, easily survived some of the colder temps (down to about 6 degrees C during the lights out period) which may have affected her in some way but other than that, a pretty solid easy strain.



Active Member
Looking good man. Your yield makes me feel good about my possible yield as they're kind of close in size (i think yours still beats mine though). Hopefully some flavor will come with that cure!


Well-Known Member
cheers man, though I'm doubting I'll get 3oz, as my dry weight so far is around 28-30grams final will probably be closer to 2oz HOPEFULLY over lol with the last of it I got hanging...


Well-Known Member
nah I left them for a few more days and they ripened right up so I chopped em, pics in the smoke report bit are of the fat nugs, still 2.5oz off 1 plant is pretty impressive with cfls lol :)


Well-Known Member
during flower it really didn't smell at all, got the occasional musky whiff when I opened the cab but other than that very little. Though the cure day by day is bringing up a nice fruity smell!
has anyone mentioned that that cfl isnt being used to its full potential? the SIDES of that cfl should be facing the plant, not the top. the top gives off the least amount of light. so youre actually wasting a ton of lumens that the plant could use. a 150w hps would fit in there much better with the LED, and will use less power compared to TWO 125w cfl rated at 250w. the HPS will give you 16000 lumens while the 2 125 watters are giving only 14000 lumens. so dave yourself some power, and dial in that box with an hps. the 150 really doesnt put that much heat out. im running one in a 12x16x32 box, and my temps are at 78-82.


Well-Known Member
lol they haven't...But quite possibly not using them to the full potential... yet... but I'm getting some reflectors for my next grow and re-arranging the lights... For 1 I don't believe that a 150w hps will run cheaper than 2 125 cfls the cfls have much lower amperage (which is why they're good at energy saving) i.e, A 250w HPS costs more to run than 250w cfl, not going to do the maths but I reckon a single 250w cfl will run cheaper than a 150w hps.

The whole point of my cab is based on 2 x 125w cfls and would therefore need 2 150w hps' for optimal coverage.. I also stated before in this thread that I dont have space for the ballast outside the cab... I think the last thing lol ooh yea I'm replacing my 125's (as they die/I break them) with 250w CFL's until I can afford a fat wattage LED, again its not particularly down to lumens, though a good guide to go on its more about Light absorption which is why I favour LED's over pretty much everything lol and HPS' put out quite a lot of unused (by the plant) light which in my opinion is wasted electricity.

Ideally I'd like the space to have a 1kw hps and the money to run it as well as a nice LED veg box lol but alas it's not possible...

I'm very much pro CFL's as for my micro grow I think they are optimal and I've put a lot of research into this cab from previous grows as well as online and books :) I've used a 400w HPS before but heat fucked my plants and my electric bill was through the roof and right now im on an electricity meter so cheaper energy costs suit me better and a HPS cannot provide this for the same amount of light (this would probably hold more to when I have 500w's of CFL).

Not trying to be a dick, just presenting my preferences :)


Well-Known Member
just thought I'd post this up here but finally its all dried up and more than half way through curing, I have about 2.4 ounces... not great but off of 1 plant I think it's pretty respectable :)