DWC Build Proposals: Single- or Multiple- Container?


Well-Known Member
Omg this is EXACTLY what I'm trying to do. I know this is old, but have any pics of the final product and how you built it?


New Member
Hello, everyone,

Long-ish-time reader, first-time caller.

I am on the verge of having to purchase parts for my first DWC grow. I plan on six plants in a 120x120x200cm grow tent.

I know that there are proponents, on these forums, of the OP3-(One-Plant-Per-Pot)-method of Deep-Water-Culture production, and I can imagine the frustration one might experience trying to work with a big, tangled, balled-up, knotted ol' mess.

I'm guessing it probably sucks... but humor me for a second:
What if roots didn't tangle; would that make multiple-plant containers more appealing?
I'm asking because in my ignorance it stills seems a lot easier to maintain one container than, say, six.

Above is a drawing I made in Sketchup to visually compare different layouts.
The 130L tub gives each plant approximately 21.6 liters of water, which is comparable to the ~19L afforded by a 5-gallon bucket.

What if I used some sort of perforated, rigid plastic sheeting to subdivide the interior volume of the tub into six compartments, like this:

A setup like this would seem to afford me single-container convenience whilst encouraging each plant to mind its own roots.
Is this not ideal?

I recently came up with a similar idea but as a vegging station. have you built this out yet? i have a rdwc system but id like to cut as much time as i can between grows. i thought of a similar idea where i would cut clones right before flower. root them. and then place them in a tote like this so it can start to veg out while my rdwc system flowers out. and after its done flowering, i can remove the plants from a system like this and not worry about entangled roots..