Hey bud,
You thought Candi was potent now, Just wait untill the trichomes go through their full chemical change durring the cure.
I hang for a week then in jars it goes, check it every couple days and if it smells like lawn clippings toss the batch in paper bags to finish drying then back to the jars for a month before I smoke any of it. I have kept it in jars (out of the light) for over a year and it still was good.
You thought Candi was potent now, Just wait untill the trichomes go through their full chemical change durring the cure.
I hang for a week then in jars it goes, check it every couple days and if it smells like lawn clippings toss the batch in paper bags to finish drying then back to the jars for a month before I smoke any of it. I have kept it in jars (out of the light) for over a year and it still was good.