DWC Couple small probs. PICS


HEY:bigjoint: NOOB. Hello all. So this is my first grow and ive got a few golden spots on some of my leaves. Not sure of the exact strains ones bagseed chronic and the other two are feminized mix I bought from marijuana-seeds.nl. Any thoughts on what strains they may be. Heres my setup... 3 DWC using Cutting Edge complete 3 part nutes, 150w hps Sun System, individual 1gal containers. Any suggestions??? oh germinated on 12-2-09 ill post updates :lol:

spots are getting worse on my bagseed:sad: and female 1 is starting to get them. Theyre golden some yellow and some rusty tiny spots. I think it may be calcium and mag. but im notsure.....also some leaf sides are curled under and some growth is twisted. The spots started on the lower leaves and looks to be working its way up and the affected leaves fell more crispy than the others. they are so soft and im scared of losing them to somthing that may be a simple fix....plz any suggestions? Ph 6.0 @ 75F



anybody? Its gotten worse and ive snipped a few of the worse leaves off of the bagseed. I switched to distilled waterso we will see what happens. anything is helpful
honestly man. im not to sure.. wish i could help you out. are you giving them nutes right now? maybe to much or to little? could be almost anything. under watering or over? also how big of pots do you have those in? start up a journal and ill follow and help u to the best of my ability bro.


Well-Known Member
HEY:bigjoint: NOOB. Hello all. So this is my first grow and ive got a few golden spots on some of my leaves. Not sure of the exact strains ones bagseed chronic and the other two are feminized mix I bought from marijuana-seeds.nl. Any thoughts on what strains they may be. Heres my setup... 3 DWC using Cutting Edge complete 3 part nutes, 150w hps Sun System, individual 1gal containers. Any suggestions??? oh germinated on 12-2-09 ill post updates :lol:

spots are getting worse on my bagseed:sad: and female 1 is starting to get them. Theyre golden some yellow and some rusty tiny spots. I think it may be calcium and mag. but im notsure.....also some leaf sides are curled under and some growth is twisted. The spots started on the lower leaves and looks to be working its way up and the affected leaves fell more crispy than the others. they are so soft and im scared of losing them to somthing that may be a simple fix....plz any suggestions? Ph 6.0 @ 75F

In those last few pics it looks like you have some soggy looking fans. When you over water your leaves can curl under and droop. Then you get what looks like nute burn but it's not nute burn, it's lack of nute uptake from over watering.


thanks guys they arein individual 1gal gontainers. when i switched to distilled i clipped the bad leaves so i could tell a little easier if its getting worse. the roots are developing way more root hairs. my lady 1 is drinking a half gallon every 2 days so im trying to get bigger containers. i upped the nutes to recommened dosage since under dosing had no prevail. so far it doesnt seem to be spreading so ill keep my fingers crossed. ill make a journal when i get time later tonight. also im going to try and get another air pump on them. thanks for the replys fruity and dubs ill keep ya posted. ill post pics later tonight. Cutting Edge Solutions 11.25ml/gal grow, 6ml/gal micro, 3.25 ml/gal bloom


Well-Known Member
When using distilled water it's good to use a supplement such as calmag. Some people put it down, some like it. But distilled water has no minerals like tap or spring water does. You can lower your res level down a bit as well to allow more oxygen to the roots. Just make sure the bubbles form a fine mist on the entire root zone so it doesn't dry out. Good luck


i actually have cal-mag but Cutting Edge is supposed to be a complete 3 part nute so i didnt know if i should use it. anybody have any experience with CES using DWC? i dont have a tds meter to check my ppm. the spotting has seemed to stop but theleaf tips point down. they are dark green but they look like a terribly underwatered plant. real saggy and wrinkley cupped down....more airstones?


sorry guys my internets been down. ill put pics asap. the spotting has cleared up and im now on day 9 of 12/12. my bagseed is a female too:bigjoint:. my only problem is leaf cupping. the edges are sagging down on a few leaves on all 3 plants as you can see in a few of my previous pics. other than that they are dark green and beautiful. i believe somebody said they looked soggy but ive got 1 air pump per container and i use h2o2 ever now and then. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
It wasn't over watering.. You in hydro, for christ sake... heheh. Any way, it's more than likely a nute deficiency. Looks like it's possibly nitrogen, or phos...

Anyways, your pH is also a little to high, which will lock out nutes. You should bring it down to 5.5 and try to keep it there... Try not to let it get below 5.3 or above 5.8 and you'll be in the perfect range. I know that it doesn't seem like that big of a difference, but in hydro, it matters...

I notice you said you up'd your nutes and the problem seems to be clearing up. That's good. That points to a deficiency. Good luck to ya...and get that pH down a little. :-)
