Dwc Grow Club

token211, would you also advise to use the PH down from the fish store??? my PH is 6.5 to 6.4 almost always and i have to airtstone and one is really big. i heard that could raise the PH alittle to.
ok so i did alittle research and if anyone has any opion go ahead...............to lower PH in hydro- use phosphoric acid or hydrochloric acid.........using pool PH down can cause later problems????? maybe just giving in to the the 40 dollar PH down solution might just have to do
onthedl0008, thanks man, i cannot wait to do number 2, it will be much better(grow number 2 not poop...).

I do like the taste and smell and high of the purps, but I am also growing a strain called lights of Jah and is said to be very similar to or the same as Jack Herer, which is supposed to knock my mofo socks off. I'll let you know.

The Jah is much more tempermental than the purps. I cannot wait to get a co2 system, then they will be even more sexy...

Cheers Ya'll
also, in the tags for this thread it lists boobies... where are they, I'm still looking???

Look Harder!
It got by me at first . . n then :shock: it hit me:-P

just i realised if i dont do a quick reply i can doss about with the faces , im not much of a boarder . .

anyhoo , just havina cuppa tryin to make my mind up on what lights to go for . .
fluoro ( shh before anything is said i have my 400hps) for addin angles and range - found some funky aquarium/terranium maketed brands Arcadia and Hagen.
yous had any experience? Normally i would do a kevlin/watt/mn comparative - but they seem to sway a bit with those factors so i was after a personal experience if at all possible . . If i had the money id be ordering the 2 colour lightsabres coz they just look way to kool.

Hope everyones peachy and had a good weekend.
back top the graft
Morning club just catching up from this weekend.
Anongrower- I did notice your tub was cut out into a weird shape. But it makes sense to adapt instead if trying to untangle all those roots without breaking em.
Net-I played our theme song to my girl she loved it! I ran out of co2 over the weekend, good thing I have a commercial account, it was only 21$ for exchange of 20lb. tank. Good for another 6-8 months. Any one else use co2 here. I have an awesome conversion calculator if you need. It goes by sq.foot to give exactly what you need. I have tried grafting on drakkia(spelling?)it didnt work. I used peat moss in a plastic bag/ rubber banded to it. the peat moss is supposed to hold in the moisture and bag keeps water in the moss. So if you grafted hops to MJ could I make a skunk beer? That would be cool to try.
Drynroasty-I think it lists boobies because someone has said something about them, so it picked it up as a key word. Like if we start chatting it up about co2 it will become a tag.
Morning growers!

After insulation to the tank, a bigger heater & raising the tank off the floor we now have a steady temp for the water. I have 2 roots that have made it to the water in the tank so far. I heard "Start the nuts 1/2, when the roots hits the water." The first roots or wait for more of them?

I'd do 1/4 nutes when roots hit at next res change go to 1/2 strength and so on. Hope this helps Token. Different peeps do diff. but this has worked for me.
This room is asleep this morning. Net must have gone back to work
Tech can you answer my question above please?

You're faster than my refresh rate.

Thanks man 1/4 it is. I'm using technaflora but looking for something easier as there are 9 or 10 bottle to this system. It is a starter pack I got just to check out.
What are you using Tech and how many different bottles do you have?

i hope he stays safe over here man this is my 3rd time out here and i have been realy luck so far thank the lord but i get to go home in 2 weeks

then you will all see me on this board all the time all so iam going to start my grow when i get home greming the seeds will be my 4th thing i do when i get there
I have/use fox farms grow, tiger bloom, also adv. nut. micro, grow and flower. I like to mix things up a bit. One res change i use the ff grow, an micro. then flower I like the an with a little tiger bloom, then some cha-ching ff to fatten buds then flush, crop. Hope to help. do you use co2? I have a calculator if you need.
Sure, Thanks

I have/use fox farms grow, tiger bloom, also adv. nut. micro, grow and flower. I like to mix things up a bit. One res change i use the ff grow, an micro. then flower I like the an with a little tiger bloom, then some cha-ching ff to fatten buds then flush, crop. Hope to help. do you use co2? I have a calculator if you need.
Not sure of the order but I'm suprised germing seeds made your top 10.
Glad to hear you're coming home soon.

Peace to Iraq my friend!

i hope he stays safe over here man this is my 3rd time out here and i have been realy luck so far thank the lord but i get to go home in 2 weeks

then you will all see me on this board all the time all so iam going to start my grow when i get home greming the seeds will be my 4th thing i do when i get there
Cha-ching its made for soil but I mix in hot water and add to res in low doses after buds set in.
Cha Ching improves the taste and aroma by concentrating the plant oils into the flower, fruit or vegetable. Use Cha Ching in your hydroponics systems or for plants potted in soil. Comes in a dry formula that is water soluble.
Fox Farm Cha Ching pH balanced blend of extra-strength micro and macro nutrients improves results whether as a supplement to the existing nutrients, or use it alone as a finishing nutrient towards the end of the plant life.
Cha Ching will give you unparalleled results with any plant or flower used for potpourri. Try it with your peppermint, jalapeño peppers or any other plant where enhanced taste is preferred.
Also available within Fox Farm Soluble Tri-Pak which includes Open Sesame and Beastie Bloomz. Proceeds from Tri-Pak goes to the Hydro for Hunger (hydroforhunger.org), dedicated to bringing low cost hydroponics techniques to developing countries.