Dwc Grow Club

The kimber ultra carry.45acp look about right for what i want/need. So any prob w/taurus at range-multi-firing and jamming?

Well to be honest, I haven't jammed once with the tarus. I unloaded several magazines on end and ened heated up, the gun fired everything! Maybe I got lucky but its been a really good gun thus far.
Cheers dl - left the hook a while back !
at that decided not to drink , coz well - that can become addictive . . . and ill end up deciding try flower my seedlings or something equally stupid.
away for only a few this time and the chat is guns , uz aint helpin the stereotype !
just heard the kettle click , whos wantin?

I'll take a cuppa!
Thank for the input Toke! Just checking out options/in market before obama takes them away-lol.

Net -sorry I think it was the pt90 or pt95.
My brother has one of these bad boys.

I can now take it apart in under 1 minuet. I always get the firing pin messed up. But they are fun!

Its the firing pin retaining pin i get messed up on. dont know why../. I suck!
There u go net , just as u like it!
caffine and cannabis keep me believing in bliss . . .

And nah man , i mean the american gun craze every1 seems to think goes on , coz theres something liek 3times as many registered weapons as there are people ( thats coz the serious guys have a fookin stockade )
used to enjoy a bit of marksmanship as a youngster and then everything got clamped down on - though rightly so - u guys may have got bullied kids taking 'revevnge' on thier highskools , we got a nutter who shot up a primary school , which is lke kindergraden through middleschool , anyway sickening stuff :(

DLs got a point on the self sufficiancy tho , tuna by the tonne myself son- good thing too coz i make a mean ass tuna mayo
My brother has one of these bad boys.

I can now take it apart in under 1 minuet. I always get the firing pin messed up. But they are fun!

Its the firing pin retaining pin i get messed up on. dont know why../. I suck!

OOOft i think i just broke thorugh my zipper!

is that a blindfolded time liek they do in the mooooovies?
Man have you guys ever seen Jericho?? This is what y'all are reminding me of...

it was a show on CBS, had a couple seasons...
Dam Chuck, nice plant, what strain is it?
EggO we call those "Pop Corn Buds" and they are wonderfull. Perfect for the water pipe.
Net, it was nothing, I was in the parking lot blowing a dobbie when the owner got there. They are not farm people, LOL & it was 9 degrees this morning. So, I got in there and was looking at an EBB/FLOW I want to copy, yep, no money for the farmer boy! So, I saw the roots in there and it popped into my head "Hey, ask about Nets root issue" so I just went up there and said "Dude, got a friend that added some new nuts to her DWC and the dam roots have slim on them" He laughted and said "Well, flush it, add a little H2O2, which it for a week and flush it again! Go back to regular Nuts and I think she will enjoy her crop!" He's cool but it's his "DICK" bother I don't like. Different story for another time. So, I got my "Bat Guano" & hit the road. Drive about a mile, stopped and draw out the frame and tray measurements from my hand to paper. Rolled another dobbie and drove on home!

Well Chazel , in this day and age here in the good ol us of a peeps are crazy. And if some meth head breaks into my home or tries to carjak or threatens my/my familys life I have news for them. Just look at all the school shootings, college campuses its a scary world we live in and I like what rights I actually have at this point.
On that note, I must depart for now, chat it up later club. Thanks Net---See what I mean, and if it were the glock would you have used it?
taurus jam? no way man, I had one for many years and I carry it every day.
Net is correct, it's your magizine not the pistol.
I replace the sprint in the clip when it starts getting easy to but bullents in. This is telling you the spring is shot! Cost $4 and takes about 5 minutes to do.

Net, can you paint that DWC logo on a shirt? Maybe a slogan? Those would be very cool. "We do it deeper" "We do it under water" "Ask me about my roots?"

Have to say I'm trashed on some White Ryno and it nit the jack pot, it has seeds, my luck and so good lately it is scray!
