Well-Known Member
KIMBER all the way...get the .45...if you do get it i got some pearl handle grips for sale...

The kimber ultra carry.45acp look about right for what i want/need. So any prob w/taurus at range-multi-firing and jamming?
Cheers dl - left the hook a while back !
at that decided not to drink , coz well - that can become addictive . . . and ill end up deciding try flower my seedlings or something equally stupid.
away for only a few this time and the chat is guns , uz aint helpin the stereotype !
just heard the kettle click , whos wantin?
My brother has one of these bad boys.
I can now take it apart in under 1 minuet. I always get the firing pin messed up. But they are fun!
Its the firing pin retaining pin i get messed up on. dont know why../. I suck!