Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
the films waiting dude
haha yeh imagine trying to reflect a 1000w hps with that kinda batwing


New Member
Net have I told you that your the bomb today? If not Your the bomb babe!~I have seen most of those. What was that movie called the one with the peeps in the resturant. They had a batwing didnt they? Streatching out their sac?lol I love that movie
Thanks a bunch! The movie is called WAITING! Go see it!


Well-Known Member
any1 seen Rx cannabis? catchin a couple clips for it and looks pretty interesting especially to keep me occupied at the moment
Also many of you clubbers tried the 'Tainted' goods? they do the mock ups of many famous chocolate bars pot tarts etc. . would really love to give some a try

still need to see grandmas boy for sure tho , but im not wantin to laugh too much right now coz it feels like every vertibre is on the verge of severing nerves


New Member
Ok.. I just finished up my res change with nutes again. Now I will wait until saturday of next week to res change again. Maybe a flush on saturday and res change on monday..... not sure though. We shall see. And dl, I went half nutes on everything and no ff nutes.


Well-Known Member

im not sure what im doin wrong....LOL fucking stoners....sorry net im not the best on the computer but im tryin to learn