Dwc Grow Club

Hey guys whats up? Im new to posting in your thread and wanted to get some of the DWC experts opinions on my grow.
This is my first hydro grow and I decided to go with DWC, because i have seen some incredable results.
I am using two 400 watt systems with Son Agro bulbs.
GH Flora series nutes.
Im in the 5 wk of my grow but I also had some major problems for the first 2 1/2 wks of my grow from witch i recovered from. Any input is helpful and I appriciate all the posts and info that everyone has allready provided

Wat ya guys think?

Good lookin plants man, I heard GH has good stuff. You using a grow plan?
all right, need to know if my buckets goin to be big enough to do a dwc, never done it b4 so idk how much room you need for the root mass, etc.


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What country do you live in man? Figured you wheren't from the US as I have to be very stoned to read your post. I'd say your from the UK or Aussy? I'm I close at all? Don't you have a black market there?
And if you are from UK I always wanted to know "How many pounds is a pound of killer weed there?" Something I think of when I'm high!


i wacthed the entire 2 season of jericho 1 weekend , now that was allot of smoking!
the world is fucked for sure tho , im surrounded by all sorts of shit- as many meth labs as meth heads per sqf probably.
im now getting worried about car jackin tho, but even tasers cant just be got over here it eats ass!
just gotta go with the good old out of place household object/ sporting good self defence method untill things level out , and aviod confrontation is always a good move . . . but you know the real dickheads never give up
I have two 6 inch pots in my DWC setup. 15 gallons of water in an 18 gallon "Rough Neck" & your saying you can tell me how much pot I can get from my plants from that? Let me smoke a little more and read your post again. I most have read it incorrectly man.


If that's a 2.5 gallon pot u could get .25lb off one bucket with enough light. No problem:)
I think I'd still go bigger though.... The more water the less the pH will jump around, and the less you have to worry about water level. You CAN use it. Id go a little bigger personally.
What's the temp in the deep south this morning Net?
It was 1 here this morning @ 5:15 when I awoke. Stoched the old fire to get her jumping again for coffee. I went to the barn to see the girls they looked great. Was going to take pics but my camara isn't working this morning. Too cold in the barn, about 15f there. Good news is the grow box is a warm 78 and water is 68, perfect! I left the camara in the box to warm up a bit. Pics today!


It's a great place to be! I might be moving there soon.
Mac is it, Unix rules the Internet! Now, with Steve sick I'm scared as they have screwed Apple up every time he leaves. I remember when he created the first Apple I, we purchased one for the company I worked for. It was great but didn't last. Steve is the back bone of Apple and they will crash & burn without him. Look what happened to there stock over night when he first said he was sick. Can some else run it? So far, NO!


There is nothing better for portable DVD viewing than a MacBook... Awe... I miss my MacBook air. The glossy screens are crazy sleek
LOL, Ever been to Saint Mary? I used to work there when I was working for corporate america. I thought it was a very nice place and the people where party animal. Best part was when they took us on a tour and I scored a nice bag I still carry today.


im from that shitty little island across the pond, actually the bit uptop attatched to the shitty little bit ( but they will tell you otherwise )
What do you not do Net? If you where born in the 50's we would be soul mates for sure, guns, smokes, grows, rides bikes, paints, computers, sports. Well, if you only made Wine we would be clones except for that male/female thing, LOL! Do you fish & hunt? Yes, we eat what we kill.
Well you'd have to grow your hair longer than mine and I'd bet I got you on that one. Well, time to smoke a little more and hit the barn again.


NBA indeed! Lakers went down! Kobe did that balls thing and it bit him in the ass! hahaha

I have a cool program that that fixes burn if its not crazy bad.

Mac is it, Unix rules the Internet! Now, with Steve sick I'm scared as they have screwed Apple up every time he leaves. I remember when he created the first Apple I, we purchased one for the company I worked for. It was great but didn't last. Steve is the back bone of Apple and they will crash & burn without him. Look what happened to there stock over night when he first said he was sick. Can some else run it? So far, NO!


Glad to see another Apple guys around Slow Toke!!

You should check out this link, I busted up when I read it:

Hey Leggo,

I have owned nothing but Unix type of systems all my life, once they invented computers that is. Got to remember 8 tracks where hot shit when I was a teen.
Unix was the original computer and nothing has come close. I have Unix and Linux all over the farms around here. Free is a major bonus!
I just hope WSteve hangs on there as we are almost the say age, I may be a year older than him, dam that sucks! Ok, now depressed, where is my bong?

Afternoon clubbers!

Smoke on the water!

hahah - now i like the creativity on that 1 , break out the axe and serenade her from time to time?
Glad your temps are keeping steady man , if u can manage in that cold i should be able to do the same ( fingers crossed) . .
did i hear u say coffee? not a better thought myself :D

Apple beats the compitition with billiard balls in christmas stockings ( just hope this one was built while steve was still around now)
and if not well at least im good at repairing it - u know the mac guys wanted almost a thousand bucks us to fix my screen , i shat out my mouth . . then did it myself.
cuppa anyone?
Mac repairs are ridiculous. I remember my first powerbook 12" I tugged around everywhere in college, I had some buckling on the side, it was $600 to fix the casing!

I just left it.
as for ur prices in the uk enquirey man - its weird , depends where ur at sometimes . . if ur lucky enough to be at where its brought in ull get it for as low as it gets ( or so im told ) on average , and depending on the conversion rate we get ounces for like $250 , and half bars ( as in 9bar ) so 4 and a half for like a thousand-ish , could get a brick ( thats the right slang for a key right?) anyway for 6-7 thou us, its weird coz teh currency switch , pluss depending what its like people will try thier luck coz they know how shit things are sometimes , tho im told we have some of the cheapest coke in the world ( coz we consume so much ) and also some of the worste hash coz its cut with alllll sorts , im sure i got hooked to something else in there back in the day :/ not good