Dwc Grow Club

Me too net- only problem here is they arent mine. Not that its a problem, will raise them like my own! Wish I had one of my own, but o-well. And thats where life took me.
The skydiving was a great experience I must say. It was a family thing ..well all but the ma. We tend to get a bit out there on family activities. The bungee was just a friend and I. That was a wild feeling.
Me too net- only problem here is they arent mine. Not that its a problem, will raise them like my own! Wish I had one of my own, but o-well. And thats where life took me.

More respect to you sir! That is awesome! My friend has the same situation going on there. I admire that! Treat'em great!
Slow-I think net was referring to me sending her the same thread as you on the cal. def. And now I got it. it was a little unclear at first, kinda like your head right now lol
Just wanted to make sure. I LOL at a guy on another board, same one techgrower is on I think, and the guy went crazy like. He was so pissed at me. So, I didn't want to make you mad. I don't dig getting women mad because they can be very mean if need be.

Darn man my fan on my pc is going bad, crap!

uhhhh..... yea.......................of course.............. i wasn;t serious or anything.......
I'm working as well, I do websites and Unix administration from home for an ISP.
Nice most days but when the porn content changes those people upload gigs of data at a time and I have to index all of it in Oracle. Those days I'd rather be smok'in!
Yea slow I have the Nova, changed avvr like change sometimes. Net-All auto repair, any make model I can fix it and I close at 6 est, thats why I jet at 5 your time, I do offer performance add-ons but bad economy no boby wants to have a blower/turbo put on now. So its back to oil changes, maintenance, repair. I buy and sell cars to make up for bad winter times.
That is why I live on a farm & smoke weed. I got the gig from a buddy of mine a few years ago. He know I was a Unix guy and I hated corporate america so he set up a contract firm and hired me as a consultant. I agreed after the group said we could use the money. Pay is great but the hours are wild. I work in the middle of the night a lot and convert content during the day. The sites peak around 8 CST but you would not belive the people out there watching porn?

Sounds like a tedious gig Slo! Gotta stay sane.