• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
yea i thought u were talking about oil riggs. but then i thought offshore? there cant be oil riggs on a boat.... im stupid dont pay me no mind. better make sure ur flatmate is reliable bcuz if they arent his plants he mite not give a sheet about them and take inadequate care of them. by the way its 4:45 am here.

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
yes the oil riggs are at sea got to take a chopper out to them

lol ur up late :)

good money out there but i need to save £600 for course to get rgit and need £300+ for hotels for 3-4 days and travel etc...

be worth it tho hope to be off doing course by june july latest

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
so my first crop will be done by the time i am gone lol plus after the course i still have to get a job out at sea but shouldnt be a hassle once i have the rgit qualifications

what are u studying?


Well-Known Member
yea ima late nite person. i think im a insomniac bcuz i barely sleep. and im doing homework too well thats wat im supposed to be doing.i am a biomedical engineer major. was thinking about minoring in horticulture... u kno just to get more knowledge about my fav. hobby. dont kno yet. kinda late 2 be minoring in something. but u can never learn 2 much. u should read this thread its kinda long but very informational. and its in soil not dwc. well i think he has like 9 dwc buckets going but its very detailed. start from beginning. the link i put up starts on page 56 thats where i am now.

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
cool i will have a read

wow u must be real smart doing that i just been a chef and hotel manager type work before lol

horticulture would be cool to learn i am going to apply as a steward in the kitchens offshore as best way is to work way up from the bottom and eventually be a chef i will earn over £250 a day as a chef offshore


Well-Known Member
not really smart. kinda struggling. well im doing good in school. GPA is 3.4. the minimum required to enter graduate school. but its hard lots of studying but i love math and i like science. science is kinda hard bcuz of so much stuff 2 learn. crazy stuff imo. but it will benefit me and hopefully one day the world. and anybody can do it. its just dedication. my first semested i kinda slowed bcuz i smoked way 2 much. but im good now. i got it all balanced out. u can do any thing u put ur mind 2


Well-Known Member
well i didnt quit but i dnt smoke every 5 mins. i kno people will argue but i think mary j can really mess up your short term memory. i am actual proof. my grades started falling and i could not just read something and remember it like i usually could and i was really in a mood like " I dont give a shit" but my other smoking buddies knocked some sense into me. i just started reading more and more and smoking occassionally and its seems like my memory just came back. it still happens tho when im high wen im in mid sentence and completely forget wat the hell i was talking about. lol its kinda funny actually 2 c it happen 2 sumbody.

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
lol i know what u mean

my humidity gauge and thermometer combi arrived just now and my soapstone pipe that looks like a magic mushroom so smiles across my face

just my 8mp webcam left should be here tomorrow and if my money clears order all my equipment thats left and a guitar to keep me occupied and keep my mind off drink and smoking lol im doin good tho it aint really bothering me which is weird it was a nightmare before but i suppose i got my mind set on offshore

u are a really late person lol, i get like that i have actually suffered from insomnia get it from time to time just sucks coz no-one else is up lol so the innternet is a saviour at those times lol


Well-Known Member
i know wat u mean. but i read a lot. anything. science books, my math book, historical romance novels (my fav,) the internet, newspapers, anything. i kinda am also ADD (dont really think its a disease, just another way of the government trying to drug everybody up) so i cant concentrate on one thing 4 long. hence, me being up at 6 am doing homework, and reading grow journals, talking 2 u, watching tv and watever else i can find 2 do. but no. dont smoke ciggys no more. i used to be a newport girl but not 4 long i only smoke cig's when im drunk and i dont really hardly ever drink anymore. im kinda a healthy person. i just smoke mary j bcuz i believe it 2 be organic from GOD. GOD put it here 4 me 2 use. i dont think he intended 4 us to smoke it but i dont think it is harmful. yes, i definitely go out clubbing. but not as much bcuz people that drink are f-ing crazy.

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
yes im on the healthy streak just now sorting myself out for offshore got my heart set on it as the job will mean i have the money to do what i want, i can finally visit the states go to amsterdam anywhere i want i never been abroad lol

ADD does that just mean ur hyper sort of?

ud be a good clubber if ur hyper lol

i tend to take extacy when im clubbing everyone is sooo friendly at dance events when they on extacy all loved up but i only take it for big parties and dance events i know people who take it every weekend and thats stupid will just mess up their kidneys and liver i also take milk thistle everyday and flaxseed oil cod liver oil and st john wart to keep my organs and heart healthy plus brown rice and porridge, tastes horrible as i dont like rice much but is good for me so i eat it anyway lol

what music u into?


Well-Known Member
exctasy. i would not recommend it unless u made the shit urself. they put all types of shit in exctasy. every time u get it its something different. and it fries ur brain. but i used to do it b4 i was properly educated on the subject. but i like all kinds of music. well not really that heavy metal screaming type crap but almost every kind of music. i really like neo/soul type stuff like lauryn hill one of my favs and i love the goo goo dolls. i like gospel music. u may have never heard gospel. its black chrisitian music. i like country tim mcgraw and faith hill. i like rap tupac. im versatile. but add is kinda like hyper but its really like i have a short attention span. u mite be able to tell 4rm my constant rambling. i switch from topic to topic fast. i dont kno.... but stay healthy pothead, and be careful wat kind of chemicals ur putting into ur system. everything is not good 4 the body.

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
yes i hear ya on the chemical side, the body is great at recovery and repair if given the chance and i get from a select few trustworthy people who test them before they buy to see whats in it. i heard gospel before, i like most music aswell anything with guitar especially hendrix and stevie ray vaughan they are good and the doors etc... but i like the dance music aswell so pretty varied lol

i wouldnt say u were rambling lol

just burned crazy eight gonna watch that soon i watch ALOT of films


Well-Known Member
hey bud. sleep just hit me and i need 2 wake up at 10:30 4 class and its all most seven. so catch u later. thanx 4 coming and chatting it up with me. really enjoyed ur company. excuse my ranting in my previous post. dont mean to be critical or nothing. just me being me. but " u just do u and imma do me" verse from one of my fav rap songs. by rockstar or something like that. ok. now im not sleepy no more. im going to make a salad:)


Well-Known Member
hahaha. i wish i could sleep. seems kinda pointless since i have class in 3 hrs. and if i go 2 sleep now i doubt that i will wake back up. still reading this mrhowardmarks thread. its sum amazing stuff in his thread. keepin me interested neway

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
yes sometimes its better to stay up if u go to sleep just as ur getting into a deep sleep u will be getting up and will feel even more tired lol

u watch much films? i download loads of films lol if they really good i will buy the real copy but only if they are good lol, i nearly burned 100 in the last week or maybe less than a week lol tv bores me so i watch films and watch stuff on the net

dead mans shoes is a good film u seen that and i watched super high me yesterday or the day before it was funny like the super size me but with weed lol