Well-Known Member
I responded to this post in the deep water culter club already....some one else responded to your post also.......The tops of the plants are just fine........Look at the tops of the plants they are the tenderous part on a plant. You will see damage there as i see a little drooping there but no color change.The top 2 fan leaves show a real light yellowish hue to them.......Hey everyone! I realized this was the bigger of the 2 DWC grow clubs, so I'll post this here also. This is my DWC setup. I am a first time grower. The cab is an old chest of drawers. I added a 4" inline fan for my exhaust. I just yesterday added 2 PC case fans for my intake. Temps are around 77-80. These plants were overnuted at first, so I am babying them back into Fox Farm Grow Big. They have really taken off the past couple weeks, but I am currently battling pH issues. I can get my pH down to 5.6-5.8 but it will creep back up to 6.7-6.9 or so thorughout the day, Only have about 2.5 gallons of water in the reservoir, so I am guessing thats why my pH is so unstable. You can see some pH burn I believeo nthe bigger plant.
My setup....
Bigger plant. You can see some pH burn....and I now have temps of 77-80.
Thank for looking!
Temp is to high for one at 84 degrees..little cooler to below 80 is better....humidity is at the bottom of the 30% to 40% can bring that up also a little.
As for what are you using as nutes and how much per gallon of water are you using.....
Where did you get your water city or country or bought from store..........
also ph after you mix the nutes with the i have checked ph before i use nutes and after...I said checked it not corrected it and there was a ph change to water after nutes was added....