Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
dude on the dl, you're hilarious. but uhhh do you think you could give me some advice? I'm trying to make an ebb and flow on a 2 x 4 tray. I want to set this up for my next expirement but I don't know how high I should have my water rise and possibly how many plants I could fit on on tray. I'm really hoping to grow some lowryders, I was wondering if I could compact a bunch of them?


Well-Known Member
dude on the dl, you're hilarious. but uhhh do you think you could give me some advice? I'm trying to make an ebb and flow on a 2 x 4 tray. I want to set this up for my next expirement but I don't know how high I should have my water rise and possibly how many plants I could fit on on tray. I'm really hoping to grow some lowryders, I was wondering if I could compact a bunch of them?
Bro, im serious check out the link i put up here. REad this thread and then reread it. as well as al b fucts threads. these guys know ur style bro. i can only tell u what ive heard..........



Well-Known Member
Hows ur gurls net? I wish i could have gotten a pixel of my tub before shit got all crazy! But the clones are doing insane. Ive already had to adjust the lights!
Going to be a masterpiece i assure u. im already talking durty to them.


New Member
The pistils are forming like crazy! There is no swollen bud growth or anything like your pics. But the pistils are all bunched up everywhere. Up to 5 bud sites on one stem alone. The cola didnt die when i bent it, thank ganja for that!


Well-Known Member
AWESOME! Actually those 2 nlXhaze tops i thought i burned up started coming back till i chopped the trees. U shall be smoking ur own bud soon! Theres nothing like that.
Its also pretty cool when family and friends get blazed on ur bud. My dad actually told me how proud he was the other day for the first time lmao. hes an engineer.lmao
but he was blazed thats the point.


Well-Known Member
Yo ya'll... I was waiting til my camera got back, and it came back without the memory card. I'm getting a new camera for christmas that should take kick ass picks. All I can say is that my plants in my ghetto-southamerican-vermiculite only DWC is kicking ass!! I've thrown 90% of the plants I had in styrofoam cups away, but i have kept 2. I'll take pics- the plants in DWC have grown 5x as much as the plants in the cups. All the plants had the Shit kicked out of them with nute burn about a month ago... the ones i transferred into DWC are flourishing. They've grown so fast I already topped a few and FIMed others..... I'll keep you updated. But keep thing thing (I meant this thing) under 200 pages please!!!! I'm 3 weeks away from harvest on my first soil grow, and the next flowering attempt will be DWC with vermiculite (only thing I can get down here, and its actually great, cause if there is any failure, plant should stay alive for longer than jst straight DWC----- I hope)


Well-Known Member
Yo ya'll... I was waiting til my camera got back, and it came back without the memory card. I'm getting a new camera for christmas that should take kick ass picks. All I can say is that my plants in my ghetto-southamerican-vermiculite only DWC is kicking ass!! I've thrown 90% of the plants I had in styrofoam cups away, but i have kept 2. I'll take pics- the plants in DWC have grown 5x as much as the plants in the cups. All the plants had the Shit kicked out of them with nute burn about a month ago... the ones i transferred into DWC are flourishing. They've grown so fast I already topped a few and FIMed others..... I'll keep you updated. But keep thing thing (I meant this thing) under 200 pages please!!!! I'm 3 weeks away from harvest on my first soil grow, and the next flowering attempt will be DWC with vermiculite (only thing I can get down here, and its actually great, cause if there is any failure, plant should stay alive for longer than jst straight DWC----- I hope)
Bro this is grow club right here man. Glad u have arrived been wondering when u would make it..... Tell us about ur maid sir lol that shit is funny man. anyways glad to hear ur grow is doing so nice man. respects


Well-Known Member
Just a question for you guys. I'm on week 5 of flower and I've got 6 plants. If I chop a couple small buds and water cure them to have smoke in a few days (first grow- anxious), will I do any damage or will other buds get more food/bigger?? I know I'll reduce my yield slightly, but I'm out of bud and would rather have a bit of my own. I'm 3 weeks away from 1st harvest, but I'll be throwing new stuff in flower right away. With 6 plants (under a 400W HPS) I can't see how I'd be screwing myself that bad since I'll have plenty to last me 2 more months (especially since I'm traveling for a whole month)!!

Thanks guys, i figured I'd ask fellow DWC members.


Well-Known Member
The actual truth is I got 2 maids that help me on a daily basis (watering, trimming, blending nutes, taking PH, etc). A couple weeks back, one spent all day working on overing my clear rubbermaid so that light would filter in, while another cut holes in the top. I had to go to work... someones gotta pay for us all to eat- 3 dogs, 4 maids, plus me and my girl.....


Well-Known Member
Bro if i had plants in 6 week and was totally out of bud id be chopping and drying some of those buds. prolly end up being better than most of the lame weed floating around. take what u need.


Well-Known Member
Bwahahahaha i love that shit. I want to hire maids and train them to help with my grow dude. that shit is classic man!damn can u spare at least one maid?


Well-Known Member
I know I owe pics!!! sorry. Next full grow will be 100% documented and I'll try and help others get as far as I did quicker. I still keep wondering if my buds are as big as they should be for 5 weeks. I think the plants maybe rootbound in containers (gotta be gallons max), but even though they look stunted, they look nicer than anything I've ever grown (which is nothing!!). The DWC looks like they're gonna end up being monsters, some of the fan leaves on the small plants (7 inches high from tiny clones) are larger than anything on my plants in week 5 of flower!!!!

I travel a bunch.. One day we should have a DWC club smokeout!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm actually in week 5 tomorrow, ontheDL, you make the call. chop a few small buds and water cure (I think so, I'd have something for new years!!!)


Well-Known Member
Im looking forward to this sir........... On another note, We are currently underway designing and making decals to be placed on cars and bikes and such. This was an excellent suggestion by another fellow member.
This would be awesome to be out and see this logo and just know u share this extra pimpness with a stranger thats actually ur fellow secret society member.

The 8th rule:
The decal should be desingned in complete secrecy and not be known public.