Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Here is the exchange rate today in Canada

first number is US to Canada
second is the opposite.

Don't exchange move than you will spend as you will loss money converting it back unless you do it on a good day and there are few good days, these days!



Well-Known Member
I wish, smoking with Marc would seal the deal for me!

Plane? No daring I'm a farmer, I have no money!
Taking our bus all the way or as far as it will go.
Hitch from where it dies!
That is the way we rool, old school!



Well-Known Member
I wish, smoking with Marc would seal the deal for me!

Plane? No daring I'm a farmer, I have no money!
Taking our bus all the way or as far as it will go.
Hitch from where it dies!
That is the way we rool, old school!

In 1987 some bros of mine and i drove to baja in a micro bus...Fucking crazy!!!Canada is alot more friendly than Mexico right now.


Well-Known Member
yep, 6 so far. 3 girls and 3 guys, my sister is going as well and we are all single!
We have an old school bus converted, lot's of fun to travel in, we get lots of WTF looks.

We all live on the same farm, we are old hippies so everyone points and calls us names. We don't really care but it is fun to watch people make idiots of themself. We are just people that disagree with modern family values and we have our own. You have heard of us unless you live under a rock. We have been in the news many times for our way of life. Share & Peace sums it all up. Hope you don't think less of me because of the way we live but I can't nor want to change. It was my choice and I can leave any time I want. I have one son that stayed and one that left to go to war. I have heard hell over that one but it is his choice to make, not mine.
We are happy but mean people suck and there are to many here for us to stay much longer. OK, buzz kill again! Mean people do that to me.



New Member
yep, 6 so far. 3 girls and 3 guys, my sister is going as well and we are all single!
We have an old school bus converted, lot's of fun to travel in, we get lots of WTF looks.

We all live on the same farm, we are old hippies so everyone points and calls us names. We don't really care but it is fun to watch people make idiots of themself. We are just people that disagree with modern family values and we have our own. You have heard of us unless you live under a rock. We have been in the news many times for our way of life. Share & Peace sums it all up. Hope you don't think less of me because of the way we live but I can't nor want to change. It was my choice and I can leave any time I want. I have one son that stayed and one that left to go to war. I have heard hell over that one but it is his choice to make, not mine.
We are happy but mean people suck and there are to many here for us to stay much longer. OK, buzz kill again! Mean people do that to me.

I must ask, are you talking about polygamyst cult in El Dorado? That life style? Please excuse my question as I am not sure what you mean by " you have heard of us"....


New Member
Please take no offense either as I have ran across quite a few people belonging to different beliefs and groups here. Plus i'm toked up. It seems to easy my head.


Well-Known Member
God no, not a cult.
Well, I forget how young you are so maybe not.
We are a group of Hippies, Engineers, Doctors, Lawers, Teachers that wanted a better life for ourselfs but found it hard to deal with normal life.
We all got together, 35 of us and purchased a 1500 acre farm.
We buit our own school, church, store, water system and so own.
All the females help on the farm with kids, cooking and so on.
The men build, farm the land, that's me and work jobs outside the farm to make money. Everything goes to everyone, no one goes without, ever.
It's a community type enviroment. We havee 11 original members that are the law.
We make the rules and enforce the rules. In 10 years here we have had one inside issue and many from the outside.

Not a koolaid type of thing, we are all in it for one another, not ourself.
I got hurt and haven't been working so that is why I joined this board, to pass the time and get info on Hydroponics for pot. We grow tons of food but we need it year around. Dirt in our green houses takes up to much room and pest, lots of them. Spraying isn't got for the kids so we need another way to grow. Hydro is the answer in many ways.

Well, I'm sure there will be many her that think I'm just a crazy hippy but I enjoy my life and my MANY close friends.



Well-Known Member
You're cool Net, I find that guys are more taken back by our life style than woman are. We have more women than men here. However we are all family and most never had one till they got here

We have a woman from Caly that should be here today. 35 year old nurse that is sick of the fast life. I meet her a couple of years ago on a trip to AZ.
She remembered me and kept me email address.
So cool to help others, That is what we are all about.
We have 32 single mothers that where abused or neglected and we took them in, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
However, being nice can bite you. We had a female reporter come to us and said she was homeless. We took her in and she wrote a story about how she came here to the "cult" but after living here for a year she told the paper they where did wrong about us and quit the paper. She lives in NY now but stays in touch.
It's meanly the morons that give us trouble but that's just life.

And, "NO" I'm not trying to get anyone to join, let me make that very clear. Everyone came to us, we do not go looking for others.



New Member
Well Toker it sounds like a very organic and peaceful life. I think that many ppl are turned off by your choice of life because they can't unhook themselves from the crutches they need. I travel a lot, so maybe one day I could visit. It kinda reminds me of that movie "The Beach". I love that movie! It's all about the quality of life you chose!!!


Well-Known Member
Tribe? LOL

No, we are not a tribe, organization, cult, koolaid drinkers, religous clan or anything else. We are just people living in harmony with one another.
Black, white, mexican, asian, you name it we got it.
80% are collage grads, 60% have MBAs
We even have a professor here so we got it all.
Myself, I'm a collage grad in Electrical Engineering so you see we are just people!
We vote, go to church, raise our kids to be good people and respect all forms of life.

Well, I'm sure we have pissed off the DWC group with all this so, I apologize to all for the length and topic. Please skip reading & no nasty replies are needed as I get it all day when I go to town.



Well-Known Member
You got it! You're a quick study, knew I liked you from the start.
"The Beach" I'll have to get that, we do movie night on Saturday night, all of us together. Is it OK for kids?

I think a lot of people would join but their friends and family keep them from it.

Net, you can come by any time. The ladies will be happy to show you around. They have their own house they live in with the kids.
Drop me an email [email protected] and I'll send someone to the airport to get you.

There is a place in Lawranceburg, TN. Not sure of spelling called "The Farm" they are a lot like us. I visited them and they came here. We talked about a lot of things but had no interest in joining them as it seemed odd because their men sleep with all the woman their and this DOES NOT happen here. You can choice to pick a mate for life, but life it is. I think they even have a website maybe.

We believe this puts strain on the kids and gives them a warped sense of reality. If we want that we can live anywhere.


Well Toker it sounds like a very organic and peaceful life. I think that many ppl are turned off by your choice of life because they can't unhook themselves from the crutches they need. I travel a lot, so maybe one day I could visit. It kinda reminds me of that movie "The Beach". I love that movie! It's all about the quality of life you chose!!!


Well-Known Member
No nasty replies here Token, just interesting how different people live. We are all here for a common interest, to learn and help. And yes I am going to grow cherry tomatoes w/ my step daughter in my dwc. I am thinking of a dwc:soil grow to get her feet wet.


New Member
No nasty replies here Token, just interesting how different people live. We are all here for a common interest, to learn and help. And yes I am going to grow cherry tomatoes w/ my step daughter in my dwc. I am thinking of a dwc:soil grow to get her feet wet.

By the way, how is your daughter liking the DWC? Do you have pics yet?!!