DWC Lowryder - Attitude Seed Bank

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Well i chopped down the male and the female is starting to flower more.. no buds showing yet only tons of pistols allllll lover the plant
So it sounds like things are going well. You decided not to try to make seeds I guess? To me It's not really worth it for what you can buy them for and then clone your best one. Over here I'm getting my next batch ready for flower. I decided to veg them a couple weeks with the big light and let them get a little bigger and have some more time to do some pruning. I got an MH conversion bulb for my light to veg with. Once I can get a better veg area I won't I can have them ready sooner. I also decided to get some new stock. Haze is a pretty popular strain around here and gets top price so I went with a haze cross. I got Super Lemon SkunkX Haze. The description sound's good with an up high. They gave me Dinafem Moby Dick and Roadrunner autoflower, 1 of each. They should be here this week. I'll save one lemon haze for a mother and put the others in to flower on the next run.


Well-Known Member
Things are going good. I didnt feel like it was worth the trouble to make seeds, yet. It would be too difficult since they are in the same pot. So i chopped it and im hoping the roots wont rot and decay in my bucket. I pulled a hand full out but theres prob more in there. I got some dinafem blue widow and dinafem blue hash here. I assume they are feminzed. Deff let me know how your dinafem seeds do and send me sum clones haha. It looks like your lemon skunk is crossed with super silver haze. I grew some SSH with my blueberry plant on my last grow and those suckers got freakin HUGE. Well they prob wasnt that big but they looked big in my closet.

For my next grow Im thinkin about doing several lowrider plants in dirt. I am considering getting a 250 or 400 mh/hps light. Then getting some 1/2 ga or 1 gal grow bags, some fox farm oceanic forest dirt, a carbon scrubber, can fan, and dryer hose. Any suggestions? I dont have much experience with dirt but from what i read these are the things i should get. But im not sure how big of grow bags, size of light to get, or even how to grow in dirt.

Also, I have some shrum spores that i might start on soon (never tried shrums yet). Have you tried silvia divinorum? Its legal in the usa except a few states and i heard it trips people out bad.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind making some seeds if I had a place to put the two plants together by themselves. I don't know about the roots being still in there. Might be ok, But maybe try to get all you can out to play it safe. Dirt can be pretty easy to grow in. It's a little more forgiving than hydro. To me the bitch can be watering them all and not having the central res that does several plants at once. But it's still a lot of fun. Don't you have that Grow Big for soil that you had at the start? I have mine in 1 gal pots and they seem to have plenty of room. You don't want them to big so that they stay wet to long and cause root rot. I like to water about every 2-4 day's. It helps to exchange the air in the soil to help to get fresh oxygen to the roots. The 400 would be good as long as you vent it out to keep the heat down. The rest of the setup sounds great. Ya, I'm looking forward to trying those seeds. I read somewhere that it was very important to keep them healthy for best yields. Don't know much about shrooms, but have had some. Last time was in the early 80's. I've seen ad's for them but don't know if they are any good. Might not be a bad way to add another cash crop to harvest.


Well-Known Member
If i did more than 3 buckets then i would get a centeral res to hold all the water. Ive seen them at the hydro shop and they cost around 30 bucks a bucket which is to damn much for what they do. Ive also thought about doing a dirt grow and usuing 1/2 or 1 gallon dirt bags, getting a mother plant, a 400 hps, and cloneing a dozen at a time. I would like to just buy the soil and stick the clones in there until they use all the nutes then i could harvest them.. maybe put them into immediate flower. How long does it take clones to flower out? 2 or 3 weeks maybe... After this lowrider I am done for a while. This spot im in seems to hot for my comfort and im risking alot right now. But i wont be done for long.. ill start another in a few months or sooner if i find a new house to live in. Yah i got the grow big soil still... and still using the same foxfarm nutes without needing to get any new bottles.. have you used foxfarm cha ching and china garden ?

The second picture is my current plant and the 3rd picture is from about a week or week n half ago. Its doubled its freakin size and its only 32 days old. Its got small blooms on top and im desperatly waiting for it to fully show where all its buds are going to be. On the inside of the plant there are long pistols EVERYWHERE.. i can probably count well over 100 spots where buds will be forming and probably 15 are on top the plant :D ... i think its going to produce alot of bud and this time im legging it go 2.5 months so i can get 2 ounce off it.. hopefully more :D

Hash.. how much bud do you think ill get wet?

So it sounds like things are going well. You decided not to try to make seeds I guess? To me It's not really worth it for what you can buy them for and then clone your best one. Over here I'm getting my next batch ready for flower. I decided to veg them a couple weeks with the big light and let them get a little bigger and have some more time to do some pruning. I got an MH conversion bulb for my light to veg with. Once I can get a better veg area I won't I can have them ready sooner. I also decided to get some new stock. Haze is a pretty popular strain around here and gets top price so I went with a haze cross. I got Super Lemon SkunkX Haze. The description sound's good with an up high. They gave me Dinafem Moby Dick and Roadrunner autoflower, 1 of each. They should be here this week. I'll save one lemon haze for a mother and put the others in to flower on the next run.



Well-Known Member
got any great hash recipes or things to do with the trimmings once this plant is chopped... was thinkin about makin honey but i dont want butane in my damn honey

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I'll get back to you on that. Busy day today, going to get a light rail for the babies. All 5 Lemon Haze popped. They popped and went into soil in under 48 hours. Also the Roadrunner popped. But not the Moby Dick yet. You should flower your plants before they get that big I think. I would start them at no more than 10-12 inches at the most, with the 150. But if you start flowering with CFL's they will not stretch so much and will end up with a bushier plant. Even that might be to much. That's where I do mine with the 600w. The lower branches won't get enough light. It's not to late to top them though. I would not want them to finish more than 16-20 inches at the most. Looks like a jailhouse tat you got there. So what do you know about mushrooms?I've Been looking into it. Seems there would be a good market for them. Be back later.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I've thought about butane too. It's supposed to all evaporate out of it but all depends on how pure the butane is. That's what you are supposed to look for when you buy it. I would just rather have have something easier to smoke than the oil. As for hash, It would take to long to save good trim for it. I would also use the crappy looking buds from the bottom of the plant too. I like to have 2 oz to make it. I would suggest trying to make some Green Dragon (you drink it) or an alcohol extraction that you can smoke. A lot depends on how good the trim is. I don't use anything that I can't see trics on. Here's a couple pics of the alcohol extraction.



Well-Known Member
Ive seen the light rail in action before and it seems really cool. Also, I was going thru my blueberry journal and seen your bucket setup and it looked pretty cool. Ive been thinking about what type of setup to upgrade to. I want it to stay cheap but worthwhile. I want a good system for my future mother plant to grow under a 400 hps. Ive been thinking about what type of bud I would want to smoke everyday and i dont know what to get. I liked that blueberry cause the taste was pretty good. It needed some perfection and I could probably perfect it but Im thinking about growing something else. I got an email that Attitude Seed Bank is giving a DinaFem Pineapple Express Feminized seed away with all purchases.

BTW. I puttin my plant to sleep tonight for the first time. Shes going to bed at 1am and waking up at 5am. Its pretty big now and It needs something done to it. I wouldn't know where to start if i was to trim it. Its just started growing bud allllllll over every single branch of the plant. What do you suggest doing to it? Would throwing a 400 HPS on top of it in a week take care of it? You know whats cool.. ill post a picture if i can find it but theres one plant with like 10 colas on top... i would totally do that if i knew how to. I would flower it at 12 in but its autoflowering... so i didnt think i had control over that and thats why i left the light on 24/7 for the last month.

I found the pictures.. i like this setup and would do that if i knew it wouldnt fuck anything up.. the lowest brances are big enough that there close to the top of the plant... If i cut it off then could i root it and stick it in a diff bucket?

I'll get back to you on that. Busy day today, going to get a light rail for the babies. All 5 Lemon Haze popped. They popped and went into soil in under 48 hours. Also the Roadrunner popped. But not the Moby Dick yet. You should flower your plants before they get that big I think. I would start them at no more than 10-12 inches at the most, with the 150. But if you start flowering with CFL's they will not stretch so much and will end up with a bushier plant. Even that might be to much. That's where I do mine with the 600w. The lower branches won't get enough light. It's not to late to top them though. I would not want them to finish more than 16-20 inches at the most. Looks like a jailhouse tat you got there. So what do you know about mushrooms?I've Been looking into it. Seems there would be a good market for them. Be back later.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
It takes a lot of veg time and pruning to get them like that. My guess would be 6 months or so. My first 2 soil plants were like that but not as big. You have to start pruning early though. Pinch the top when you have your first 4 branches off the main stem and then pinch all new tops above there first 2 branches. And just keep doing that until you are about ready to flower. I topped one of these after a week or so into flower and it didn't seem to hurt it a bit. I'd be glad to help you when you start some new ones. On the ones you have now get me a good side pic and maybe I can help you to top it. Basically pick a height and cut it off just above where 2 branches are coming off the main branch. If that makes any sense. If not let me know. My Roadrunner auto popped out of the soil over night. I;m not surprised that it was the first. These are the first two plants I did. I did a lot of pruning because I didn't have a flower area ready on time. But they came out good. 5+ onces off the 2 plants. My best per plant yield so far.



Well-Known Member
I put a foxfarm bottle on the bucket and left it alone while i turned the plant so that you know which side is which. The plant has gotten fucking huge and gets bigger day by day. As you can see in the first picture I am running out of room to raise the lamp... There are buds growing all over this plant and i dont want to deminish my yields by screwing something up.. so ill follow your instructions step by step ... in a way.. its your plant to lol

I jus measured her and shes 24 in tall from the hydroton and at its widest shes 30 inches wide... but 20 in wide in another spot


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I've smoked some of that before, it was very good. There is just so much choice out there with all the different new strains. I have 3 California Orange skunk clones getting ready to flower on this run along with my other ones. 15 plants in total, I'm shooting for the 1 pound harvest. And a couple more to pick a mother from. With that and the Lemon Haze I will have a citrus blend.


Well-Known Member
What would you suggest doing to this plant... its already start budding rapidly at the top cola and i prefer not to cut it off if possible... should i cut sum lower branches off or fan leafs?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
In that close up bud pic the leaves look curled at sides. Heat stress, light to close? What strain was that again? It looks like you have a little more you can go to raise the light but not much. It doesn't really matter since the light will be to far away to do much good to the lower half of the plant which will make for lousy buds. I didn't realize they had buds on it yet. It is to late to do any pruning. You might do better moving the light to the side of the plant, like a vertical grow. More of the surface area of the plant will get good light. Do you have any mylar you could use to put onto some cardboard to make some panels? Put the 150 on the side and add a couple CFL's also. If you veg with CFL's you will get a much bushier plant than with the HPS. And turn the plant daily or more to help get the light to all the plant. Having some movable panels to put around would really help. Not sure because of the lighting but you could get a pretty good harvest off her. She looks good and bushy and with a side light you could get some light to all those side branches. How much will you (we) will get when it is done? All depends on how much light you can put around her. Get the biggest CFL's you can. Use your light and add 2-3 cfl's.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
What would you suggest doing to this plant... its already start budding rapidly at the top cola and i prefer not to cut it off if possible... should i cut sum lower branches off or fan leafs?
Cutting off all the small branches around the bottom will help. Anything only a few inches long I would cut. Save the energy for the larger branches and buds.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Back to your other post I would put the mother in soil. Much easier to work with IMO. Other than that the buckets work good. My newer ones are a bit different though. I made 4 all together and all were different. With the last being the best I think.


Well-Known Member
I cut some branches off that started at the very bottom and it really opened the whole inside of the plant up .... i moved the light so that its half way up the plant and hopefully i can just leave the light where its at and rotate the bucket everyday... once i get my 400HPS i can have both lights running... one on top and one on the side... i cut the bud off the brances that i chopped and im goin to smoke it in a minute...

What ratio of foxfarms nutes would you use.. ive been putting a ton of grow big into it, a moderate amount of big bloom, and a small to moderate amount of tiger bloom in... im wondering if i should slow down on the grow big and increase the tiger bloom


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Ya, slow down on the grow big and go with more tiger bloom. On the schedule they have 2 tsp Tiger Bloom and 1 tbls Big Bloom for where about you are. Take a look at it, they use Grow Bid a couple times in flower also. I have not been using the fox farm. I'm trying to go organic as much as I can and have been using AN Mother Earth Teas as a base with some other stuff for supplements and such. The light looks good, maybe a little higher though. When do you plan to get a 400? Digital? That would be really nice with both lights on her. Get a digital ballast and get a MH bulb for veg. I got one for my 600, I love the light color. Looks like daylight and you can see the true colors instead of all the yellow. I'll get pics soon, They are looking great and I have been cutting the light back an hour a day or so. Couple more days and they will be at 12/12. I want to use the MH bulb for the first couple weeks to try to cut down on that growth spurt stretch and get thicker stems. Seems to be working well so far but have not hit the 12/12 either so we'll see. Got anything you could put around the plant for a reflector? It would help. The trim job looks good.