Dwc (mold or maybe fungus?)


Active Member
Ok what should i do about this? im running 5gal dwc system and im getting white and green blotches growing on the otsides of afew rockwool cubes. 3/8 to be exact. the water temps at 66.9, with ph at 6.9 and ppm 1150. advanced nutes veg A and B. also use hydrogen peroxide. is this bad? and how should i go about treating it? any and all help will be awsome and ty.



Active Member
No, its at 6.9. i know it should be lower but for some reason i cant keep ph down, ive tried viniger as well as lemon juice but over night the levels would be back up. ive been using superthrive also to help adjust my ph using that seems to keep it down in the other buckets. any suggestions on the ph? i had read somewhere some water companys put some sort of buffer that doesnt allow for ph adjustment, has anyone elese heard this? and if this is true i had also been looking into having large containers of bottled water delivered. not to sure why i cant keep my ph down.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
What up man... first off you need to get you some PH Up and PH Down from your local hydro store or offline. My friend tries using a bunch of odd shit for his ferts and ph adjustments and he royally fucked up his plants. If you know what your doing, it may work well but for how important your PH is, purchasing good liquid PH Up and Down for hydro is def. worth your while.

That damn Rockwool is a bitch aint it? You just need to keep all the light from your wool and you will not have that problem. If you got some plastic laying around, tin, aluminum foil.. anything to cover the top of your net pots/hydroton you shouldn't have to worry about that mold too much. Personally I have had wool mold up on me too easy and after seeing it stunt growth by about two weeks.. I decided RW wasn't for me. I just stick the clone straight to the bottom of the netpot and fill it up with hydroton. The bubble mists the bottom and it seems to root in about a week. I pop seeds in Rockwool, let them grow from the rockwool until they are about 2" tall including the root and just move straight over to netpot/hydroton. They seem to root and take off a little quicker that way.

If you want or have to keep using the Rockwool, I would toss the moldy one and use a fresh one. Also wipe off and spray your netpot or anything that mold was around/in contact with Lysol or something to disinfect. Keep your plant clear obviously.


Well-Known Member
That mold doesn't need light to grow and blocking light from it will only encourage it as that would give it even more moisture. You will have to run a mold killer through the system and spray it on the affected areas. Yes neem oil works as a mold killer.

It's algae that you keep away by blocking light, not mold.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Lol, I guess thats why I always had problems with it then. Never got algae, just that white shit on the RW...


Well-Known Member
i use rooter cubes, i only used rw when i bought clones from the clubs and about 4 or 5 of them got mold on them pretty fast, i just dont like em. but they still grew and i never had to do anything with it. but yeah definitely get PH up and PH down. it keeps it down and it wont go up, i use it for my 3, 30 gal reservoirs


Active Member
i use rooter cubes, i only used rw when i bought clones from the clubs and about 4 or 5 of them got mold on them pretty fast, i just dont like em. but they still grew and i never had to do anything with it. but yeah definitely get PH up and PH down. it keeps it down and it wont go up, i use it for my 3, 30 gal reservoirs

why would ph down work better than vinegar?
I experience similar problems myself; ph is above 7 for sure when i come home from work


Well-Known Member
Because ph down is meant to get it down and keep it down lol. vinegar is just a substitute for max 8 hours or so. ph down keeps it down for as long as you have the water in there, or until you clean the reservoir. but i cant say for sure with the vinegar because ive never tried it. but the ph down works wonders for me


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Keep it between 5.5 and 6.0. Below you will see why, between those Ph levels, your plant will be up taking the necessary nutrients it needs, anything else and your hurting your development, in flowering end yield.
