this is my room for the moment, until i get home from the *6o4*
then it gets revamped...again
so much work for my smoke i tell ya
This is my homemade header/flange for the back of my AC unit...the ducting goes through my hood, and up into the never occupied spare bedroom/storage room. That window never closes so i must now make myself a carbon filter.... im in a 3 level townhome so i cants be havin the neighbors smellin my marijuana, now can i?
no i cants..... wouldnt be very nice at all....
I made this with some 24" by 20' flashing, for roofs, and it cost me a whole whoppin $10 for the tape, and $20 for the glass....
AND about 2 1/2 maybe 3 hours of my time.... gotta say time well spent
better off doin that than sittin at the PC all tonight
Bedtime now i thinks tho
out .....Playa