DWC: nirvana's WW vs NL.....w/ add'd bonus


Well-Known Member
and the last of the night.....'
:sleep: thats wut i need to do right now....

i fed the soil plants 250ppm with some diamond nectar... just a little...
and the res' have been stayin the same, quite stable i might add...
gonna do some foliar w/ diamond nectar when lights go off...

bongsmilie now thats wut i really need...:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
forgot to mention....
im germing 4 more purps and 4 more kush, just for the hell of it.
get a good mom im hoping...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
3 of my newest purps have cracked and are showing a small tap root.
as well as one of the kush beans...:mrgreen:

planted in rockwool, placed under 4x 4' flouros, just waiting to see the light....:bigjoint:

older purps are taking to the nutes quite well i must say....
so are the bubblers....


Well-Known Member
yay woke up this morning and 2 more seeds have cracked open bongsmilie

thats means for a wake n bake hehe :blsmoke:

that means 4/4 purps beans and 2/4 kush have sprouted so far in under 24 hours as well
quite happy with these seeds i must say :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
all seeds have been put in rockwool....
under the flouros awaiting sprouts....actually, two have been seen poppin out already ( the purps, of course) :D

did a res change yesterday.....fed with 3-2-1 GH 3-part + diamond nectar = 350ppm
lookin good so far today! :blsmoke:

also transplanted my older soil plants into 1G pots and one of the purps' leaves is almost covering the pot already.

rooms startin to explode....:hump: imo


Well-Known Member
has finally been installed!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

had a day off yesterday, so i took my lazy arse down to the glass store a got a pane of 1/4" x 35.5" x 25.5" for $20

My DIY aircooled shade is a success....yay:blsmoke:
Now i have my light about 8 - 10" away from the plants :hump:

temps are steady at 74-76f with my ac on 6/10


Well-Known Member
thanks ngt....
i forgot to mention that out of the 8 more seeds i germed, all 4 of the purps have sprouted, and not one of the 4 kush beans have come up for air....:cry:


Well-Known Member
all 8 of mt new beans have sprouted and are now in rockwool. All 8 are showing a small root out the bottom.
Not sure if i am gonna DWC them or just soil. Probably soil, but i wanna see the purps in DWC, so im leaning towards that.

Other than that, not much has happened, just growin steadily.
and they are starting to get that veg smell. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
here we have 4 kush and 4 purps
Aug 30 001.jpg

and these are the purps roots
Aug 30 004.jpg

soon they will go into dirt...to make it easier for the roommate....:mrgreen: when i go away to work:roll:


Well-Known Member
This here is Mary. She is of the strain "the Purps" from BCBD. She's my favorite...:hump:
I am so hoping that she is a fembot, cause she is probably my fastest grower so far...even faster than my older (4 days) ladies in DWC
Mary sprouted on Aug 7th, so that makes her just over 3 weeks old...cant wait for another month or so.... :wink:

Aug 30 007.jpg

And here we have Midge. She :crosses fingers: is a WW from Nirvana. Almost a month old now....since she sprouted....but only in bubbler for 22 days...
seems kinda small for the time, but i have never grown from seed, so im not too sure how fast they grow...:-|

Aug 30 012.jpg

Any questions or comments are more than welcome. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of one of my NL in the bubbler. Same age as the WW.
Roots must be about 16" long now...

Aug 30 010.jpg

Some of the roots are starting to go yellowish. Is this the beginning of root rot? My res temps kinda get alittle high every so often...:roll: like max is 75f...thats the highest ive seen anyways. They are usually between 69 on a cool day, and 73f on a hot day. I'll go get some more pics of them...roots i mean!


Oh ya, forgot to add that i have been adding H2O2 every day...@ 15ml/g


Well-Known Member
this is my room for the moment, until i get home from the *6o4*
then it gets revamped...again :wall: so much work for my smoke i tell ya
Aug 30 014.jpg
This is my homemade header/flange for the back of my AC unit...the ducting goes through my hood, and up into the never occupied spare bedroom/storage room. That window never closes so i must now make myself a carbon filter.... im in a 3 level townhome so i cants be havin the neighbors smellin my marijuana, now can i? :mrgreen: no i cants..... wouldnt be very nice at all....:neutral:
Aug 30 005.jpg
I made this with some 24" by 20' flashing, for roofs, and it cost me a whole whoppin $10 for the tape, and $20 for the glass....AND about 2 1/2 maybe 3 hours of my time.... gotta say time well spent :mrgreen: better off doin that than sittin at the PC all night....like tonight :blsmoke:

Bedtime now i thinks tho :sleep:
:peace: out .....Playa


Well-Known Member
well...i had a bout with pythium just now....was wierd...changed my res from the 4g rubbermade to the 12g one last night along with a new batch of nutes/RO water ph'd to 5.5.
The roots looks like this...
Aug 31 005.jpg

Within 4 hours, the roots had grow noticably.

Then when they woke up at 6pm tonight, they had this
sept 1 010.jpg
sept 1 008.jpg

So i blasted the snot off the roots with an 3% h2o2 mixture of 10ml/liter, then added 240ml to each my 12g res'
Am waiting till morning now...to see if it contained the nasty sh**
If not, well.......dunno, might scrap the bubblers and clone them to put in soil...


Well-Known Member
well, its morning now, and no sign of that snot recuring yet....will keep you all posted....if i find out what it is.....


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your nutes may be too low in the hydro. This is my setup, 1100ppm and running root juice. Left front two are 20 and 18 in pic, then the right front and all back are 12 in the pic. I have been running nutes from day one. Should see the stems, like little trees now!


Well-Known Member
sorry i havent had the time to finish this journal....moved away....no pc....

please close this thread mods...
