DWC noob

I'd think ten would be kind of hard to if rdwc with a main res of any size. I run a 10th horse in an insulated system and if it gets really hot the chiller has a hard time keeping up or at least chilling down to a certain point.
8-5gal and a 8 gal reres has never been a problem.
I don't get why people use such large reservoirs. It's not necessary.
Yeah I suppose, but my chiller actually runs on the main res separate of the system. Gravity takes over at some point in the system I put together so I can't just set my circulation pump on and not expect a flooded room, what I do is cycle back to the main res every hour or so , having a supply of water chilled down to where I want it I need a fair sized main res.
And you’re showing me what In these pictures??

That I am using strong measures to aerate my rezes. with popular waterfalls, but note the large water droplet sizes. My gut tells me an O2 Grow DO emitter would trounce the available O2, BUT, does that mean it alone can easily replace an extra pump, plumbing, a device to aerate the water, and possibly a chiller. At $300 to saturate a 20 gallon res, it's roughly the same price as a chiller, and MIGHT replace it
That I am using strong measures to aerate my rezes. with popular waterfalls, but note the large water droplet sizes. My gut tells me an O2 Grow DO emitter would trounce the available O2, BUT, does that mean it alone can easily replace an extra pump, plumbing, a device to aerate the water, and possibly a chiller. At $300 to saturate a 20 gallon res, it's roughly the same price as a chiller, and MIGHT replace it
I don't see why you're even correlating the two. A chiller and o2 emitter do completely opposite things
I should have done more research on this beforehand..

To those who do DWC, is it really necessary to keep the water solution at 65 degrees?

The owner of the local hydro shop had a class to where we built our own DWC bucket. In his shop he has a pepper plant in a bucket. Now I see online that the water that the plant grows in should be 65 degrees. His pepper plant is sitting on the floor inside a tent under a MH light so I doubt his temp is 65. I don’t see how one would do this in a five gallon bucket..

I’m only on my second grow and I’m in soil, but wanted to try DWC on my next grow. Any help will be much appreciated.
It definitely is important to keep your water cool. I guess it really depends on your growing environment. If you use beneficial bacteria like Hydroguard or Great White, you could likely let your water rise to 68-72F without root rot in my own personal experience as my water is almost always 70-72F, and I've never had a single problem with root rot. At a personal level, I've always felt that chillers weren't a MUST HAVE if you run benefical bacterias and don't let the water get ridiculously high temp such as 75F or so. But many people would disagree, so it will really come down to trying it yourself. I wouldn't get a chiller without at least giving bennies a run, but if you still have any issues with root rot or what not, then invest in one...but that's just me; I always push for bennies lol.