DWC nutrient deficiency, pleaseeee help!


Active Member
Hey everyone I just recently got into DWC with my 5 bucket RDWC, about two weeks from transplant of clones this has developed on a couple of different plants in my garden. I use botanicare nutrients and have really only fed them the vegetative nutes as well as alittle bit of cal-mag. I keep my res temps below 70 degrees 95% of the time. Here's a picture of what the leaves look like, any help is appreciated, thanks guys
Image 1.jpg
Your PPM is waaaay too low. You should have it between 500 and 650ish.

What kind of water are you using? Tap or RO?


Active Member
a 5 bucket system, So 4 buckets to grow and a rez. No matter, often in system that use bucketst connect by tubing you can run into problems with PH and PPM. The water does not move and mix as well as you would think.. Next time Take the PH/PPM from EACH bucket and see if they match ( I hope they do). I know in the past and current, my buckets will not be the same PH/PPM and its a Pain in the butt.

EDIT,, Also you say you have only feed it the Veg, is this a mutile part mix? if so you need to use all the parts like the Chart/lables says. YOu cant only use A.. you need ABC for complete Nuts

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I always figure rust spots are a calcium deficiency; either locked out from high ph or not enough in the nutes. I agree with the others to raise the ppm's and lower the ph a little. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't calcium get locked out with straight ph down being added to nute mix? Watch out for that too.