you keep giving bad advice. and keep side stepping around it.

and the fact that you say Foliage Pro has too much N in it for cannabis is more bad advice you are giving out.

considering you claim to know plant nutrition, the way you prove that knowledge is to provide bad info? makes total sense.

i know what NPK ratios work for cannabis. 1-4-2 is not one of them. more bad advice from you.

You keep misquoting me to get your point across, go right ahead. You only make a fool of yourself. I never gave the advice to only use Bloom in flower. I've talked with OP and gave him my recipes.

I got something to show for myself. Checkout my journal asshole: https://www.rollitup.org/t/first-at...t-grow-in-2-years.998721/page-2#post-15190664
Why is it every broscientist resorts to look at my pics bro... That makes me right in life? Maybe because they have no clue of what they are talking about? I think NASA needs more broscientists
Why is it every broscientist resorts to look at my pics bro... That makes me right in life? Maybe because they have no clue of what they are talking about? I think NASA needs more broscientists

Everyone going to disagree on forums. You need pictures or any kind of proof to show what you preach actually yield results.
Everyone going to disagree on forums. You need pictures or any kind of proof to show what you preach actually yields results.
I have proof it's called science... You should try it sometime. You know these people that are paid to figure out plant physiology, processes and nutrient needs of differing species.

Or do I just trust some dude with cool pics on the internet? Idk seems like and easy decision to me
Keep telling you that. Where's your plant pictures?
and i wont' clog up your journal, but if you are following fatmans' nute advice, you are doing that all wrong too. no surprise here.

so you're one of those "do as i say, not as i do" pseudo scientists? errrrr, excuse me, water chemists.
I have proof it's called science... You should try it sometime. You know these people that are paid to figure out plant physiology, processes and nutrient needs of differing species.

Or do I just trust some dude with cool pics on the internet? Idk seems like and easy decision to me

I think maybe the best thing is doing both? Theoretical knowledge doesn't always have practical implementation.
and i hope you arent' telling everybody how to do a SCROG in your journal. cause that's not how you do one of those either.

you shouldn't have linked me to your journal @Wastei
and i wont' clog up your journal, but if you are following fatmans' nute advice, you are doing that all wrong too. no surprise here.

so you're one of those "do as i say, not as i do" pseudo scientists? errrrr, excuse me, water chemists.

I said you didn't understand the chemistry of water based on you blaming Mega Crop being pH unstable. I currently use it in my Aero system. Rock stable pH
I said you didn't understand the chemistry of water based on you blaming Mega Crop being pH unstable. I currently use it in Aero system. Rock stable pH
it was unstable. for me and 3 other growers here that had the exact same results. which the morons at Mega Crap couldn't figure out either.

so nice try, jabroni. but another fail on your part. keep throwing shit, soemthing will stick eventually.
since you enjoy going back thru my posts, you should know what i'm saying to be true.

what other growers had the same results with MC. you should be able to tell me.
I said you didn't understand the chemistry of water based on you blaming Mega Crop being pH unstable. I currently use it in my Aero system. Rock stable pH
I use it also in my RDWC. I don't not find it stable by itself. With my tap it's fine 75pp of bicarbonate not all tap has this. With RO I do need to add some potassium bicarbonate or calcium carbonate to keep a stable ph... Well as stable as I like it 0.2 drift in 24hrs
MC and PH. ( jacks too)

I use it also in my RDWC. I don't not find it stable by itself. With my tap it's fine 75pp of bicarbonate not all tap has this. With RO I do need to add some potassium bicarbonate or calcium carbonate to keep a stable ph... Well as stable as I like it 0.2 drift in 24hrs
He actually thinks that b/c its rock stable in his system that it has to be rock stable in everybody elses. That right shows how little this guy knows. I guarantee every variable b/t me and him were completely different.