dwc or recirculating drip???


New Member
just started a new grow and was pretty set on doing dwc but now I"m back to thinking about recirculating drips and wondering which I should do.

anyways here is my little brainstormed setups with a list of pros and cons and your inputs would be appreciated.

Growing 3 plants in a 20"x36" (5 sq ft) grow tent under a 250w mh for veg and 400 (hopefully) hps for flower. budget at this point in time is a few hundo I need an inline fan, new metering tools, and the equipment for the hydro setup I choose.

DWC would be three 5+ gallon buckets w/ 5" or 6" netcup in each. one unit per plant. I would use a couple small air pumps to supply oxygen and hydroton as a medium to put my plug starts into.

supplies needed: buckets, lids, cups, hydroton, air pumps, air line, air stones.

pros: different buckets means more customizable nutrients, no clogging of drip lines

cons: standing water, difficult to access the reservoir

Recirculating drip setup would be kitty litter trays and 3 gallon buckets placed inside of 5 gallons to achieve a height increase. the buckets would be placed in the trays and holes poked so there would be no standing water in the bucket itself. each tray is a reservoir for its respective bucket. medium would be perlite or hydroton, most likely

supplies needed: buckets, medium, drip irrigation, water pumps, trays

pros: different reservoirs, easy access to reservoir, low maintenance

cons: lines could clog, slightly more complicated, harder to empty/move and probably more expensive to set up.

input appreciated and definitely repped


That a tricky one

Right now im embarking on my first DWC and there have been some challanges. check out my journal for solutions


1) Water Temperatures
the water temperature in a dwc should be 65-68 degrees. that get to be difficult if you have hot light shinning on the standing water.

but if you can beat that problem. your home free. it will be the fastest growing system you have ever seen.

2) Dont FORGET you anti-siphon valves on the water pumps.


New Member
but of course, I did dwc buckets before and it blew other ops I've seen out of the water, pun intended

it seems that a recirculating drip would offer better structural stability and easier rez management.

i don't really want to combine the two not enough funds for both


Well-Known Member
I have a top feed recirculating drip system using rockwool cubes/slabs, and wouldn't trade it for the world. Smaller water needs than ebb and flow, and much more accurate as far as knowing what the plants are feeding on and what the current pH/nutrient solution strenth is.