dwc PH help

Tripped circuits

Well-Known Member
So I changed my nutes from seedling to week 1 veg. But my problem is this, everyday my ph will go from 5.8 to 7.4 in a matter of 18-20 hours. Is something wrong and how do I compete with this without having to ph down everyday.


P.s I am using a bluelab ph pen. Which I have set using 4.0 and 7.0 solutions so my ph pen is very accurate
Seedlings(less than a week old) dont need nutes but you can feed them at low doseage. (.2-.4 EC)

What type of fertilizer are you using and what are you using for PH down?
i am using house and gardens aqua flakes, and I am using mad farmer ph down. The seedlings were atleast a week old before nutes. But I am still ph downing every morning. It just seems like a lot of work for how easy this was suppose to be lol, soil seem's easier imo. or i am just having a bad first round.
Triple Circuits: the change in pH generally indicates that your babies are feeding or that something else is going on. Depending on the size of your reservoir, you'll usually see more drastic changes with multiple plants in small amounts of nutes/water.
1. Are you testing pH and ppms at the same time every day? While I was growing DWC and bubble tubs I had my alarm set for 10 am. I would log the drop in ppms and the pH. I'd readjust the pH back to 5.8 and by the same time the next morning it would be in the mid to high sixes.
2. I did have problems at one time with very drastic pH swings and it turned out that I had an algae bloom going on. They were feeding too and that further effected my pH
3. If your plants look good, don't sweat it, just readjust it. I hope that helps. HSA
Triple Circuits: the change in pH generally indicates that your babies are feeding or that something else is going on. Depending on the size of your reservoir, you'll usually see more drastic changes with multiple plants in small amounts of nutes/water.
1. Are you testing pH and ppms at the same time every day? While I was growing DWC and bubble tubs I had my alarm set for 10 am. I would log the drop in ppms and the pH. I'd readjust the pH back to 5.8 and by the same time the next morning it would be in the mid to high sixes.
2. I did have problems at one time with very drastic pH swings and it turned out that I had an algae bloom going on. They were feeding too and that further effected my pH
3. If your plants look good, don't sweat it, just readjust it. I hope that helps. HSA

the plants started looking very ill, i changed the water, and have to adjust the ph everyday, in a day it will rise into the 7's. The plants are making a slow but sure recovery, one is back into growth. ill just have to adjust the ph daily. Any tips on a cheaper ph down, or an at home alternative?
What kind of water are you using?
Reason I ask is, I tried to use our tap water at first, de-chlorinated of course, but they add something for a buffer that keeps the ph pretty close to around 7. Everytime I would balance the ph, within 8-12 hours it'd be right back up to around 7. This went on for a couple days and it seemed to start cooperating a little more. But by then I said fuck this and got distilled water, I find it easiest to work with. Starting ppms are around 5.0 and the ph adjusts easily. I cant afford an RO system, yet.
agree with some of the others. No need to put nutes in still as a seedling...I learned the hard way too.

Flush and restart with plain water until a couple of nodes form.
I'm not familiar with the PH down you're using. Try using 85% phosphoric acid (not sure if I spelled it right) You should be able to get it at any grow shop. Something else you should try is, mix up a batch of nutes and set PH to 5.8. Let it sit over nite and check PH again. With no plants feeding from it you'll be able to see if the fertilizer is buffered or something else is going on.

Also, when your mixing your nutes, make sure you stir the brew really well. Its possible your getting inaccurate readings as the mix stabilises. I usually mix my nutes then set PH. I wait 15-20 then check PH again to confirm.
What kind of water are you using?
Reason I ask is, I tried to use our tap water at first, de-chlorinated of course, but they add something for a buffer that keeps the ph pretty close to around 7. Everytime I would balance the ph, within 8-12 hours it'd be right back up to around 7. This went on for a couple days and it seemed to start cooperating a little more. But by then I said fuck this and got distilled water, I find it easiest to work with. Starting ppms are around 5.0 and the ph adjusts easily. I cant afford an RO system, yet.

i am using tap water, i will have to look into using one bucket as a experiment next flush, i will use ro water. i dont have a ppm meter but i do check ph daily and it likes to rise from 5.8 to 6.8 in a day
the ph of the water from the tap is 7.2 i do not own a ppm meter yet. And thanks everyone for the help, I am gonna try to change the water in one bucket, mix the nutes better and then adjust ph. I appreciate the respones
Yeah, I'd go with ro water if I could get it. It's supposed to be the best.
Definitely need a ppm tester, dude. I started with a REALLY cheap one I found on ebay for like 8 bucks and free shipping, worked great for my use. I've since got a better one, but not sure if I like it any better than my cheapie!
At least this way, I know pretty much exactly where my solution levels are at. I have a Northern Lights that is already taking over a quart of solution a day- still in mid/full-veg, so I'm having to add solution often. It really helps to know exatly how much you're giving each time. I know that 1/8 tsp. in 3 1/2 gal of water raises my solution by 50 ppm. That's little more than a few drops.
I've been using this as a good starting point, it was posted by another member. Hope it helps.
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thanks ill be getting a ppm meter soon then. This way I can keep an eye on what is going on. Also how long do you keep your water before changing it?
I'm changing mine at around 3 weeks, trying to keep everything nice and clean. At first I had light getting into my res and the water started turning green pretty quick. I've heard some say they don't change until they switch to flower, however long that may be. I've heard some say 3wks, 4wks. I'm not qualified to answer that one, I'm still stumbling thru that part, too!
sounds good, thanks for the advice. I was changing every week but its alot of work and extra supplies I take it. How often do you add supplements?
I add nutes and such when I add water to my res.
Remember- I'm new at indoor growing, too. So anything I pass along isn't necessarily right.
I add nutes when I add water, pre-mixing the solution in a seperate clean bucket. This is where the ppm tester is so very imprtant. I started out adding my nutes directly into my res, checking the ppm's and adjusting as I went along. I very quickly found that this was not a good idea. Say my 3-1/2 gallons of solution is around 200ppm, by adding directly to the res.-1/8 tsp- barely a couple drops- will usually raise it by 50ppm+-. If you happen to slip up and add a little too much, the results can be devastating. Not sure of what your growing, but as you probably know, some types are VERY nute sensitive.
So, to avoid that, I mix in a seperate res, nutes first then adjust my ph. I've started mixing everything the night before and let it stabilize overnight, re-check and add it to my res in the morning. Seems to be working out okay. With a little math and averaging, I can mix the solution a little stronger each time to gradually increase my total ppm's without fear of accidentally overdosing. I mix a gallon at a time, but you could mix 1/2 gal at a time with a tester.
1 of my babies is nearing the full vegetation stage, and is sucking up between 1 1/2 - 2 pints of water a day! I expect that to double, if not more by the time she's in full bloom. I've heard some say theirs can drink up to a gallon a day when they get big, so...
I also learned- very important- that if you mix a gallon, and only use 1/2 of it, use the other half on your tomatoes in the garden or something. I store mine (short term 2-3 days) in the refrigerator where it's cool and dark. If you leave it sit out, whether in a jug or bucket, it will quickly begin to form green algae, and you can't use it. Light and warm temperatures can really work against you.
Keep a daily log book, if you're not already. I use a cheap day planner and have 1 column for (daily) ppm start, ppm finish, ph start, ph finish and a space for daily notes. Each morning when I check everything, I enter all of my start values, make any changes or adjustments, then enter my finishing values. Keeps me from trying to go from memory- 'cause I was probably stoned that day. I have 4 buckets with 3 varieties going right now, so it just helps me keep shit straight.

Best of luck!
spliffer, what kinda setup are you running? Obviously dwc but how do you have it set? I have individual 5 gallon buckets with true 5 gallon net pots which imo are to big. Reason I ask is this is my first grow, still in veg stage. But I am ready to ditch individual reservoir's for a central reservoir. I wanted your take on it. Plus I dont get much time between life and kids to check this, but I have been doing a little research and I think I have found where I went wrong. I am pretty sure I got nute lockout but letting my ph get out of whack. The funny part is that when I mix my nutes I do it the right way, but I mix good and wait about 3 minutes before adding my second part, then i adjust ph. I have been reading alot about the nutes I am using and I think that the cause of my problem is my water. I am using tap water now, and I think there is something in it to keep the ph up. I am testing this theory tonight with plain tap water ph'd down to 5.5. I will wait 24 hours and check results. by the way, i managed to save one plant and it is starting to take off, will take pic of set up and plant. be back soon