Active Member
Hi everyone haven't been back in the scene since I messed up my first DWC by using too much nutes and then drying too fast. ( had a nice harvest but bud taste and buzz suffered allot from my mistakes ). Anyhow I am going for round #2 and decided to pop my " Hazeman - Headband " beans the first of this year. The plant grew extremely slow for the first few months and the roots did not come threw the net pots until just a couple of weeks ago.. ( I am using a 6 gallon rez and 10" net pot, I think I placed the rock wool too high in the net pots hydroton and thats what took so long for them to make it threw the pots ? .. not sure )... So in basic this thing has been in veg 5 months at the end of this month and is just now starting to take off since roots finally hit the rez water. Since day one I have been having Ph issues it would drop daily from 5.8 down to around 4.5 and the ppm's kept rising. That max I have ever had the ppm's on this plant was 350-400 and at that level it seemed as if I was getting N-Tox and possible slight nute burn so I backed the ppm's down to around 300 and was still having the same issues with ph dropping and ppm's rising. around 4 weeks ago it seemed at even 300 ppm's the leaves were still turning super dark green and folding in clawing and looking weird like as if N-Tox was still happening so the last few weeks I dropped the ppm's to around 200 and the Ph seemed to have stabilized way better than before and now the ppm's are dropping instead of going up. I was using Ph up like it was going out of style, finally I am using a bit of Ph down ever other day or so too keep Ph around 5.8 after it drifts up to around 6.1 - 6.3 after a day or two. What is confusing me is as big as this plant is can it be possible that this strain likes below 200 ppm ? Seems to me like it would be starving it but if I go any stronger with my ( Dyna-Gro ) nutes it seems as if I get the N-Tox symptoms and ppms rise while Ph drops. As crazy as it sounds my ppms are as low as 120-150 ppm right now and the plant seems as if it is starting to look much better on the newer growth but this just seems extremely low for nutes too me. I did do ALLOT of LST , Super Cropping, and Topping which I am sure is one reason it has taken so long to get where it is after all this time , 5 months veg I would think this thing would be massive! But I have included a few pics of her that may better show something that may help point me in the right direction or on any clues why she looks the way she does with drooping leaves and all .. Any help is much appreciated, I want to put her into flower soon but want to get her as healthy as possiable before doing so and I guess I am kind of nervous with over nuting since it ruined my last crop :/ .. Thanks in advance
Also - Hazeman seeds says she likes little nutes, but that little ???
Also - Hazeman seeds says she likes little nutes, but that little ???
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