DWC problem

don't know if this problem is what i think it is so here's my question i have 4 dwc buckets in flower they all have air stones in them my problem is the roots are kind tan and weird and the water is cloudy like mercue i think this is the start of root rot but th plant are fine no whilting or anything some yellow leaves at the bottom but that is about it any info would be great :dunce:


Active Member
youve only got 4 buckets man. clean em out and give em fresh nutes with your anti fungal/bacteral agent aka h2o2 or dm zone.


Active Member
i have been giving them h202 everytime i change out my nutes i add it to the water then add the nutes after waiting about half hour

you have to replenish the h2o2 every day or 2. it oxidizes into water after a short time. i dont use it. i use dm zone. so ask around about how oftern to re up on peroxide. its pretty often tho.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I add h2o2 at least twice a week. I don't think it sounds like you have a problem. The discoloration is probably from the nutes. If there is something wrong underneath, it won't take long to show up above.
someone told me that i can use hydrogen peroxide but it has to be a certain percentage anybody which one it is he said it would be cheaper to buy than h202

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I buy reg h2o2 3% for 88 cents a quart. I use 1/3 cup per 6 gal of water, and do so at least twice a week. Maybe if you are treating 200 gal of water the higher concentrations make sense.


general hydroponic nutes tend to stain roots. try posting us a pic. are your roots slimey. can u easily wipe teh tan off.. might be the brown slime but without a pic hard to give honest advice.


Well-Known Member
Some nutrient additives will stain the roots , I would drain,clean and refill the res and just keep the water cooler than 68 degrees and you are set, frozen water bottles work well.