DWC problem


Active Member
Hello fellow growers, I'm having a problem with a plant of mine. I'm not a new grower but this is my first time growing DWC. Everything has gone great until now

•some leaves are starting to turn brown and curl upward

•because of this my plant hasn't been growing as fast as it should

I keep my ph at 6.0
Room temp 76°
humidity at about 34%
I water everyday
I feed once a week with a whole line of general hydroponics

Please help me with some advice and let me know what the problem is


cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
um, think you might need to check out some info on dwc if you're watering and feeding... you should have nutes in the bucket and let the air stone do all the work, and top off with fresh water when it runs low until you do a nute change. do you have roots?


Active Member
I feed once a week and I top of with water whenver it runs low and the roots look really healthy. I was thinking last night and I think I might have over fed them.


Just to clarify, the roots are submerged in the nutrient solution, correct?

With a room temp of mid 70's your res temps should be fine (theoretically). When you top off, are you topping off with PH'd water or leftover nutrient mix?

When you "feed" are you adding more nutrients to existing water, or dumping all water and mixing new nutrient solution and fresh water? If you're just adding more nutrients to existing water, this could be a form of nutrient lockout.

I'd flush the current mix in the bucket and mix up fresh nutrient solution (obviously with fresh water). If you made any drastic changes recently, like stepping up nutrient levels, I'd fall back to the previous level and see how it reacts.


Active Member
Yes the roots are submerged

i top it off with fresh water when it gets lower

When I feed it I give the whole reservoir fresh water

and why do you think it's a nutrient lockout?