DWC Question...


Well-Known Member
First let me say thanks to all the people who have posted on here its helped me a great deal. But Ive done a shiit load of reading on setting up a DWC system but for some reason I havn't read how people drain their systems. I currently have a Flood and Drain system running quite well but I want to get some DWC systems going. To those people who have a DWC set-up how do you drain your res? Like do you use a water pump to flush out or do you tip the bucket over into another container to dispose of? Whats the best means of draining?


Well-Known Member
A small pump would work or you could (before filling it, of course), set up an on/off valve near the bottom of the reservoir. Connect it to a hose and you're in business.


Well-Known Member
I use kitchen sink basket to drain my tub.

You need to pick up some parts from homedepot

You can build a short stand for your tub and drain.

I hook two tubs together and use a pump to drain them fast.



Well-Known Member
nice stuff earl. I was looking for something not quite as complicating but looks like a good idea. Think I will just go with a drain on the side and tip it over into another bucket and dumb it out my back porch.


Well-Known Member
what type of res are you using? if using single res than just have an extra handy and move the plant to the empty one while you tend to the current one