I'm sorry uncle pirate, but you are incorrect. yes, air is entrained in the water by surface mixing but that is not what you are going for in a DWC set up. I'm not going to get long winded but I tested different airstones with a VERY expensive DO meter and I have also been running DWC for almost 3 years now. So what happens when the plant roots fill the bucket and prevents this "agitation" of the surface water?
Anyways, to answer your question, you are fine. The plant roots will start to fill the container and the bubbles will be interacting with the roots. The bubbles passing over the roots do have an effect of exposing the plant to higher levels of oxygen..higher than the maximum dissolved oxygen content of the water itself.
If I were you, but another stone and T the airline so it is going to both stones. Better bubble coverage and a small safeguard when the stones become clogged... and they will.