dwc recirculating


Well-Known Member
lol OK but if I can't understand what you are saying is that really a good line of communication? There is a reason that spell check comes up on every post.

And i was merely pointing out if you can't be bothered to type one extra letter to make sure everyone can understand you, are you really going to check the PH of your water everyday, or change out that reservoir, or check extra close for bugs? who knows maybe you will. Good luck JR


Well-Known Member
Who is lazier? the one who doesn't type full words, or the one who refuses to think for a moment, to figure out what the other is saying... Why people, Do you come in and talk negitively to people who are trying to learn? with that said I have no further comment, because like you im also just learning hydro and more specifically DWC. Forget those who discourage you, happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I think you are taking my words too harsh, read them a little more lighthearted. I was and am just trying to be honest and really I wish everyone the best of luck, no ill intentions, I just mentioned it takes a lot of work to pull off a good grow of good weed.. JR


Active Member
GH nutes work well, if your not gona get h2o2 then get some gnatrol or something to prevent larvae from hatching in that res. i personally add peroxide no enzymes
Just a quick question on that, I am setting up a DWC system that has a 10 gal reservoir, how do you gauge how much peroxide you add? The help is greatly appreciated!!

Peace out :weed:


Active Member
Just a quick question on that, I am setting up a DWC system that has a 10 gal reservoir, how do you gauge how much peroxide you add? The help is greatly appreciated!!

Peace out :weed:
I have been useing a tsp per gallon of 3% h2o2 if that helps you


Well-Known Member
the maximum dosage i use is 1% of 3% H2o2 i would usually go with 1/2 of that