DWC rookie mistske

Can someone help, I recently begin my first DWC experience and have had a blast doing it. My Veg was awesome and I switched to flower about 2 weeks ago, 2 days ago I changed my reservoir and yesterday notice a slight wilt, thinking that I might have over feed I allowed nature to take its course and continue on, then this afternoon I notice a few more wilts, but leaves were leafy green, so I checked the reservoir and noticed no bubbles, I traced the line back and found the hose accidentally out of the pump by the check valve, I plugged it back it an oxygen is now back in the water, I just need some sort of reassurance that my plant will survive, it's only a few wilts but I was just a tad worried, will my plant be ok
Could end up with root rot bro as pythium thrives and multiplys rapidly in low oxygenated water i would add some pythoff or h202 for a weekk or so to make sure they have a very hard time taking a hold failing that make sure u have good dose of good bacteria in there u might be ok bro but better to be safe then sorry and 2 days is a long time with no oxygen in the water
Right on with the root rot. I had a very similar incident, and fortunately, the roots wern't damaged, and she picked right up. But the stress (I'm pretty sure) caused her to hermie.
Watch for that
Thanks a lot ppl, I checked this morning after my lights came on and my leaves were happy again, but just to be sure I added the H202 as a precaution, and will definitely keep an eye out for the hermie, lesson learned, I gotta pay close attention to what I am doin in my garden