DWC root rot :( help


Active Member
what up gang!

was wondering if one of my brothers here can help guide me in fixing my problem! I started my grow 14 days ago and encounter my first problem which I believe is root rot :( (I hope am wrong). I'm using my supercloset deluxe with their hydro system. I notice the problem the day before yesterday and took action immediately. I discovered that my reservoir was contaminated with algae due to light leakage and into the reservoir. ALSO, the last week in CA been extremely hot due to fires in my area so I tried my best to keep the temp in the closet COOL. I did a complete water change and I scrubbed down my res. Since I was doing a complete water change I decided to feed my babies for their first time! I'm using Sensi grow A&B with voodoo juice and B52. The roots were a tiny tint of brown yesterday and when I checked them today they look like CACA :( lol. I know the nuets can change the roots color but the way the top looks , I think there is a problem :(

Strain - 3 Gorilla Cookies 3 Master Yoda
Day 14
20 gallon reservoir
PH - 6.1
Temp. 73
PPM 580
Gorilla cookie roots
Gorilla cookie roots
Master yoda roots
Master yoda roots

Gorilla cookie

Gorilla cookie

Gorilla cookie


Master yoda

Master yoda

Master yoda
more 02, lower res temps, top water into the rocks, shielded from light.
I'd stick with just the sensi system cut the amount in half in veg, but thats just me.
bring in the voodoo juice when roots are established and healthy.
One thing you really need to sort out is where you have the top drip positioned, do not flood the rockwool, algae, root rot, stem rot will plague you. I would also agree on cutting down on the nutrients till the plants recover if ever.
One thing you really need to sort out is where you have the top drip positioned, do not flood the rockwool, algae, root rot, stem rot will plague you. I would also agree on cutting down on the nutrients till the plants recover if ever.

Thanks brotha, I just reposition the top drip!
One thing you really need to sort out is where you have the top drip positioned, do not flood the rockwool, algae, root rot, stem rot will plague you. I would also agree on cutting down on the nutrients till the plants recover if ever.
also do you think its over for me pop? lol :(

dont make me cry now
Not trying to contradict @zypheruk , but I have always done top drip just like you and have never had an issue with root rot. If you cover your rock wool and stones with some reflective or opaque material it should cut down on the algae (no light). I'm just talking from my experience. What is your reservoir temp? Temp is the usual culprit IMHO.
Not trying to contradict @zypheruk , but I have always done top drip just like you and have never had an issue with root rot. If you cover your rock wool and stones with some reflective or opaque material it should cut down on the algae (no light). I'm just talking from my experience. What is your reservoir temp? Temp is the usual culprit IMHO.

PH 6.1 res Temp 72
Catching a dose is surely disappointing, a real set-back even if you can salvage anything. I feel for you dude.

It's disappointing and really disgusting when you're always watching. checking for root rot symptoms every day or so and discover you have actually caught a dose of the rot, then the crisis in ON. The root damage is progressive and destroys roots fast, then fungi feast and thrive.

So what then? Do you poison and kill the fungal out-break or should you correct the problem that killed your roots? What's a farmer to do? Punt? Start over? Cry?

In your opinion, what do you think specifically caused this crisis, caused your roots to get sick and die in the first place. There are many, many different theories as what actually causes the root rot.

Fungi are always present in res water, they live there, there ubiquitous. Fungi are opportunist organisms, they thrive in hypoxic environments just waiting to feast and thrive on dead and decaying cannabis roots. Fungi are like turkey buzzards. The little dudes can smell the stench of death and sick roots.

It's usually a lot easier and cheaper to prevent roots and Benny's from dying vs. the stress and dollars required to treat the problems dead and dying toots and Benny's cause when they get sick, die and decay in the res water.
too bad that the product J Henry wants to sell you is as worthless as pantyhose on a pig. if it REALLY worked, O2Grow could afford to advertise here instead of trying to get it for free. and J Henry dislikes growers in general too.

good morning J! hope you have a great weekend buddy. sales aren't going so well, huh? cheer up buttercup!!
Your reservoir is dirty as shit man, dump it, scrub it to where you don't see black shit or scale at the water level, use a stainless steel scrubby and some mild bleach and clean the reservoir!

Use bleach and keep your temps in check, if the temps get warm, dump the res and refill with cool water, rinse and repeat to keep temps in check, using bleach will allow the water to rise to warmer temps before the nasty shit begins to occur, but it will still occur so keep the res temps monitored and in check.

Ditch those top feeds for now, those babies need some air and they're not getting it being waterboarded with their feet under water.
light proof res + hydroguard has always done the trick for me.
I would empty the res, scrub it and refill it, with hydroguard 2ml/g every time. Ditch the drippers, you have roots hanging, you don't need them anymore, and it's best to let the starter block dry out at this point to keep away algae and gnats.
Root rot, or decomposition of the roots is caused by anaerobic conditions in the root sphere.

If the grow area (especially at the roots) is cool in temperature the plants don't take up water as fast and the roots choke from insufficient oxygen when surrounded by standing water.

When the oxygen becomes deficient and disorders such as Pythium will travel and infect all the plants through the root zone.

When your roots suffocate (because of insufficient low DO Saturation) the result is always the same; sick roots, dead and dying roots, roots rot, roots decay attracting and promote thriving fungi colonization. Pythium only thrives when dying rotting roots are plentiful in DWC. Some elementary school graduates can figure this out. Some of the brighter grads that are motivated can correct this anaerobic problems and prevent root rot/fungal infestations and some simply can’t/won’t.

If you are into root rot prevention, how do you do that?

This may take at least a Jr. High School graduate that passed General Science that has command of a little reading comprehension to figure out how to prevent root ball suffocation and insure that no low oxygen crisis damages or kills (suffocates) roots and or beneficial microbes. Benny’s are aerobic creatures, they require and consume O2, not nitrogen gas. One pound of microbes require more DO than might think to thrive and promote healthy colonization in res water. One pound of live microbes in solution is 1/8 of 1 gallon or 1.92 ounces of live microbes.

Of course the simplest solution that prevents suffocation is prevent the possibility of any low oxygen crisis. Provide plenty supplemental oxygen greater than 21% O2. Doesn’t really matter where the supplemental oxygen comes from, O2 tank, O2 generators, O2 concentrator, etc. The O2Grow has some serious O2 production issues that you would never know about unless you actually tested the DO Saturation while using the rig, but the sales literature sounds great as does the salesmen’s pitch… without a DO testing device - buyer beware. The little rig does generate pure 100% O2 by electrolysis of water, just very little pure oxygen and 2 X as much Hydrogen (an explosive gas).

Never be confused and mislead, air is not oxygen: more air, bigger air pumps and colder water will not insure continuous minimal safe DO Saturations, common gossip and beliefs promoted by the less educated and water chiller salesmen and forum pseudo experts and “know-it-alls” like rocket-man and his sidekick, Dip-s.

Just quit repeating the same mistakes over and over, think “don’t suffocate the roots.” Prevention dude, prevent anaerobic conditions around the roots continuously 24/7, that’s a very simple solution to the root rot problems.

Many hobby growers keep making the same mistake over and over and over failing to figure out and see the light why they root rot kills their roots and they keep catching massive fungal infestations…repeating over and over.
Update time ... 3 yoda 3 gorilla cookies

Yoda 1
yoda 1&2
Yoda 1
yoda 2
Yoda 2
yoda 3
yoda 3
Gorilla Cookie 1
Gorilla Cookie 1
Gorilla cookie 2

I believe I kno what caused the root rot in my situation . The last 2 weeks CA was hit with a massive heat wave and it was over 105 degrees outside and it was really hard to keep the closet cool. Let not mention we also had a fire for about 3 days that made it even hotter out here .The res temp was always high around 75-80 ,and the closet it self was around 78-90 depending on the time of day . I also has light leakage in the res due to me not filling up the pods .

NOW it isn't had hot before and I'm able to keep the temp way cooler . The closet is at 73-79 Depending on the time of day . The res is now 68-73 . All the pods are covered so there isn't any light leakage . I'm about to do a water change today and see if maybe that helps out. They have definitely been growing since the last picture I posted.
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More pics

Gorilla Cookie 2 & 3
Gorilla Cookie 3
Gorilla cookie 3
Gorilla cookie 3
Yoda 1
Yoda 1
yoda 2
yoda 3
Gorilla Cookie 1
Gorilla Cookie 2 & 3
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those cubes don't look good, i hope you ditched the top feed system, emptied the hydroton and removed that green rockwool.

once you see a few new shoots you should cut those long stringy and really brown ones off

you should prob get an old phone charger and a USB cable and wire some PC fans to it and add some cooling to your grow area. if you really want to avoid these problems keep your water temp under 70 degrees