DWC/Soil - 400w HPS - Sexy Avatar!

Silent Running

Active Member
I chopped the LR yesterday. I didn't take a wet weight or pictures (yet). My last bubblicious is chopped and hanging as well.

Here is my next girl to be chopped. She is a cross between Hk x Ak x Lr (HAL). Oddly enough, most of the second gens have been non auto.

Lowest bud site

Previous second gen HAL...popcorn bud dried (mmm personal popcorn bud)

I'm also water curing 4 buds from a friend's HAL. I want to try it just once.


Well-Known Member
yea def let us know how that water cured bud turns out! Thought about it last season but read that it takes alot of the flavor out of it so......but still interested. Pics r awesome, gonna have some primo smoke SR!

Silent Running

Active Member
I heard the same about water curing. I do like the smell and taste of normal dry/cure. However, I cough like crazy lately with the HAL and LR. I read it smooths out the hit...almost totally kills the smell and taste...but that the punch is harder. So, I'm going to give it a shot and see.

I'm going to get some new pics up of the rest of the girls either today or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Hey Silent, Ya some of this stuff can play hell on my lungs too. I thought about water cure but I really like the smell of good herb. I tried vaping, didn't like it, tastes like burnt popcorn.
What works for me is I save some trim and mix like 50/50 with the buds and roll that up. That usually works if not, well hell I take smaller hits.

It will be good to get your opinion on how the water cure affects taste and the stone. You give it a thumbs up and I'll give it a shot.

Silent Running

Active Member
I was watching "Justified" (I love me some tv) and a guy on there took a hit and coughed and said "you got to cough to get off". It was funny...but I don't like to cough! lol. Today is day two of the water cure. I'm going to go 7 days then hang them to dry for 24-48 hours and try it out. I know what HAL taste like from glass, paper and vape (yeah popcorn is a good description of it). So I'm waiting to see from water cure. I read it looks terrible but I don't care about bag appeal. Even if it loses more weight but packs a stronger punch...I'll be happy.

I am with you. I do love the smell and taste of good herb and I probably would never water cure an entire harvest. But if it is smooth like most people claim, I will pop a couple buds in water from each harvest. Taking some pictures today with the intent to put them up. I have got to show y'all that fat leaf girl and the one in veg that has just blown up (topped and super cropped). She needs to move to flower tent soon but I don't have room right now. I see a new tent and light in the near future.

Hey Silent, Ya some of this stuff can play hell on my lungs too. I thought about water cure but I really like the smell of good herb. I tried vaping, didn't like it, tastes like burnt popcorn.
What works for me is I save some trim and mix like 50/50 with the buds and roll that up. That usually works if not, well hell I take smaller hits.

It will be good to get your opinion on how the water cure affects taste and the stone. You give it a thumbs up and I'll give it a shot.

Silent Running

Active Member
As promised...some pictures.

Here's the DG. She's moved up yet another pot size. Been topped and cropped and will be going into the flower tent soon. I might do some lst on her first...haven't decided.


Here is the fat leaves HAL from the previous update.


CH is looking pretty good too


One of my HALs finishing up. She'll get the ax in about two weeks...flushing next starts in 7 days.


RH. I kind of let her get away from me a bit. I should have trained her more during the first week and a half of being in the flower tent. However, she's starting to fill in the space pretty good.


Overview of the flower tent. Yep, there are two sunflower seedlings in there. I'm going to get some tomato and pepper seedlings going in there too since our last frost date is the 25th of this month (supposedly) and I need to get my other garden started.


LR that I just chopped..hanging. This is only one cola and lower site. She wet weighed in at 108g...so figuring a high loss of say 80% should be a dry weight around 21-22g.


Dried and cured nugs of HAL


On a side note, yes I know I don't manicure mine as good as most people. When the sugar leaves have a ton of trichs on them...I leave them. Different strokes for different tokes (tokers).


Well-Known Member
The leaves on those HAL's are fat as hell! nice looking girls ya got there SR! repped ya earlier but would again cause your awesome!

Silent Running

Active Member
Thanks doow! I got to spread more rep around myself.

Yeah I can't wait to see what the fat leaves HAL does. I have two that are identical with those size leaves. Kinda hoping the other one turns out to be male because I am digging the pheno that is causing the leaves to be that huge. Now watch the bud be something near non existent though. We shall see.

The leaves on those HAL's are fat as hell! nice looking girls ya got there SR! repped ya earlier but would again cause your awesome!


Well-Known Member
Your garden is exemplary :mrgreen: you have sure gotten it back how you like it. Not that leth didn't take good care of them :)

You are northwest of me, by the border but not yet in mountains, right? I am gonna plant some revegs outside this week and/or next probably. Hope we don't get any frost, but I am an hour from the coast and the southern one of our states :wink: We have a nice blueberry plant (fruit) at work I am gonna try and get some cuttings of, and I have a huge DWC tomato plant I have been using to tesyt my skills at hydro :bigjoint: Been breaking a few branches trying to get some fresh non-woody stems to grow :) that big leaved would be good to cross into this fast growing TNR I have an overabundance of clones of :wink:


Well-Known Member
Thanks doow! I got to spread more rep around myself.

Yeah I can't wait to see what the fat leaves HAL does. I have two that are identical with those size leaves. Kinda hoping the other one turns out to be male because I am digging the pheno that is causing the leaves to be that huge. Now watch the bud be something near non existent though. We shall see.

Yea if one of those fat leafed plants end up making a decent amount of bud it'd be like a perfect plant! I bet if one does end up being female it produces big ol' rock hard nugs for ya! (*finger's crossed eyes squinched*)

If they don't produce well,..........just makes 'em like so many other girls......look good till ya get down to the nitty gritty! lol

Silent Running

Active Member
I just sent out a bunch...but I have a ton of HAL seeds from gen1-3 and hopefully will be doing a gen 4 run soon. Close on locale. ;)

Your garden is exemplary :mrgreen: you have sure gotten it back how you like it. Not that leth didn't take good care of them :)

You are northwest of me, by the border but not yet in mountains, right? I am gonna plant some revegs outside this week and/or next probably. Hope we don't get any frost, but I am an hour from the coast and the southern one of our states :wink: We have a nice blueberry plant (fruit) at work I am gonna try and get some cuttings of, and I have a huge DWC tomato plant I have been using to tesyt my skills at hydro :bigjoint: Been breaking a few branches trying to get some fresh non-woody stems to grow :) that big leaved would be good to cross into this fast growing TNR I have an overabundance of clones of :wink:


Well-Known Member
SR I'm glad that you were able to make good use of the HKAK seeds, that Hal looks amazing. I am on the same boat as you re: the sugar leaves, If I know that a plant is just for me, I wont trim it nearly as well, I figure I dont care what I smoke, even been known to smoke pure trim joints, lol.