Yeah the only reason i'm going up in strength now is that it's kinda the only thing I haven't tried......
They grew the best for the first 9 days and EC was 1.0, they started showing signs of whatever this shit is on day 10, the only thing I can think of is that they "ate" most of the nutrients? It was at that point I lowered the nutrient strength to an EC of 0.4 and it got worse so all I can do now is try a stronger mix?
Okay, I wasn't gonna say anything but I did a soil grow about 9 months ago, 49 plants from seed, same strain, all organic material (soil, worm castings, blood and bone etc) and added zero nutrients throughout the grow, only watered them tap water. I grew these plants from seed under this exact same 1000W LED, the tent I ran was only 1.8m tall and I ran out of vertical space pretty early on and the plants were green, vibrant, healthy AF, ZERO signs of light burn so I think we can just about rule light-burn out of the equation. I did zero plant training, had zero environmental control perimeters only air in and out and the yield was understandably shitty, about a pound dry. It was winter at the time so the temperature would drop to anywhere from 15C to 0C during lights off and would hit between 24C to 32C during lights on, so basically the plants were going from one extreme to the next.
Sorry for the secrecy but I didn't think it would have any bearing on my current situation, but the fact everyone is saying it's got something to do with the light maybe I have to come clean.
It's not the light alright?
It's got to do with the nutrients because that's the only variable here, lights are good, environment is good, every fucking thing is good except what? I don't know..... the only thing I haven't done is raise the strength so fuck it, that's what I'm doing.
Oh and what's all this importance about calmag? The base nutrients has got everything in it right? The bottle states that it derives it's nutrients from Calcium Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitric Acid, Potassium Hydroxide, Phosphoric Acid Anhydride and Magnesium Solphate, that seems to have Calcium and Magnesium yeah?
Oh and when I did add the Magnesium supplement the symptoms worsened....