Well-Known Member
analog termostats and humidistats, or a 2 in 1 like thisI need some controls. Whats good out there? My humidity in the veg/clone tent is like 85% lol. The room gets up to around 60% was the highest i've seen it get up to. I want to have a controller for the tent to turn on a fan when the humidity or temperature reaches a certain point. Then I want to have another for inside the room that turns on the light fan if it gets to warm or an exhaust fan if the room gets too humid.
I want to be able to set parameters like turn off at 50% RH or 70F. Turn on at 80F or 60% RH.
Want individual controls, no all in one unit.
http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200459663_200459663?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Fans > Roof, Attic + Crawl Space Ventilation&utm_campaign=Ventamatic&utm_content=17269&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=17269&gclid=CjwKEAjwtr6sBRDv7uzB492H9XISJADj6aqbuhPva6XWFldxpu2Q1-ZFNClsFCEh8QsriOUMZPwOCxoCOJfw_wcB