DWC tub size?


Active Member
hey i happened to have two large rubermaid storage containers that are 181 L capacity. they are about 3 and a half feet long and 1 3/4 feet wide. i was planning on doing 5 plants in each tub.

are these tubs going to be to big?

Illegal Smile

Too big because of the huge amount of nutes you will need.
alot people seem to use this formula
1gal/per plant + 1gal/per 2 ft of growth.
so for 5 plants a ten gallon from start to finish is common. or seeing 5gallon inlined buckets with 8 foot trees is common too ;)

Illegal Smile

alot people seem to use this formula
1gal/per plant + 1gal/per 2 ft of growth.
so for 5 plants a ten gallon from start to finish is common. or seeing 5gallon inlined buckets with 8 foot trees is common too ;)
Good formula based on good reasoning. +rep