dwc using lucas got some problem


Well-Known Member
using lucas 8-16 mb. clones 1 week old getting alot of brown and yellowing of the leafs.
water temps are 70 F air temp 80 F, Ph stable at 5.8 ppm's are 1050.

should i try adding some epson salt? how much?:confused:


Active Member
Dude, Im running my dwc using Lucas formula too, and I think you're burning the shit out of them if ur 8-16/gal.. That's for flowering, veg is 5-10/gal. For veg, I go with 5-10mL & ppm around 600-750 PH 5.5-6.2. Sometimes even with strong rooted clones in rockwool, some don't like it and the tips burn. I've found that starting them off at a lower ppm around 400-600 for the first few days, then taking ppm up to about 750, I'm seeing less signs of over ferting.

I'm no expert, and I just know what works for me. But is this your first run at this?


Well-Known Member
they are flowering from clones sog i was reading 8-16 feeding is for flowering and veg unless your using florescent lighting. that is what lucas him self said. i think im going back to coco this shit sucks.


Well-Known Member
naw man coco isnt fast enough. Just start a fresh batch of nutrient solution. It also depends on how big your plants are. anything under a foot is normally around 500 ppm. i start rooted clones around 200. i tend to stay below 1000, but only go near it when my plants are heavy flowering. if its ur first time with lucas, dont do add backs. make a fresh batch every week and top up with distilled water. i am using lucas and diamond nectar and getting great great results.

Q: what is your water original PPM? and PH?

in comparison to growth how many leaves are you loosing? is the plant still getting bigger? or straggling along on a life long mission to produce all of one gram?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
lucas would tell you to lower your ppms to 600 or so and that is it. Maybe lower like 400 for such little clones. The fact is jut drop the ppms. Take some solution out and put some ph adjuted water back until at 500 perhaps. See then if they dont improve. You got to feel your plants too. Not burning and ph are important.


Well-Known Member
i dropped the ppms to 650 a few days ago and now they are starting to recover,

but now i got other problems the new chiller i got off ebay was damaged in shipping so i sent that one back and they sent another and it was also damaged in shipping now he says he dont have any other chillers and he want give a refund so now im wating on another chiller

but not only am i having to run a under powered smaller chiller but now my big air pump has stopped working and its fucking new too, so now i got a back up 18 watt air pump on a 150 gallon res with a 1/5 hp chiller thats struggling to keep the temps at 72f.

wtf else is next root rot?