Your saying add bleach to reduce water temperature?
hes saying use bleach to kill the bad bacteria prone to grow in warm water temps
and yes it can be done effectively but you need to dose it proper or you be in cant just "add a few drops"
im not 100% its been a many years since ive dosed bleach but..if memory serves i think the dose might be 1ml/gln of std bleach... not the double strength stuff
youd be safe to use hydrogen peroxide over bleach.. i only used the bleach because i was dosing a 500 gallon resevior and that's a lot of hydrogen peroxide to buy
theres only one way to effectively cool that water and that's with a water chiller which is going to add heat to your room and electrical cost and the chillers aren't cheap...if you get one get a bigger one and expect it to crap out every 3 to 4 years
if you where able to set the resevior directly on top of a cement floor it might help drop it a couple degrees if you live in a cold climate
first let me say, i have yet to set up a DWC take that into account when i offer my opinion
as for bennies... im not saying you should or should not use them ... im just saying theres is still debate as to the effectiveness of bennies in inorganic mediums vs the negative aspects
personally i am not a fan of beenies unless its coco or soil but that's my opinion and doesn't make me right!!
even if you use the beneficial bacterias or h202 or bleach youll be hard pressed at that warm of temp to keep root issues at bay
i hate to say it because the stuff is so over priced that i refuse to buy it but what about hygrozyme?
or sm90 which is more cost effective
but still that's warm for DWC
can you convert to another style.. youll save a bunch of money vs buying those chillers extra pumps and filters heat and electrical costs