I don’t have an easy way of disposing of anything, though if they were to the point of investigating my garbage I would probably be fucked anyway.
I understand being wasteful, and feeling it. We threw away large numbers of empty aquafina bottles for many years, gf wouldn’t drink anything else. The RO machine was one of the smartest things I ever bought. I don’t usually use it for the plants or fish tanks any more, but the drinking water is a boon.
I pulled the trigger on basic supplies for doing traditional DWC in these buckets for now, only thing left is to grab some media. If I decide to go with the raft method down the road, I can do that with some minor modifications.
I would love to find something to break down root material quickly. Muriatic acid would do it, but that shit is dangerous, hoping to avoid that, if possible.
FWIW, the World Health Organization says dringing only RO water is not healthy. http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/nutrientschap12.pdf