wasted that plant way to early
yeah it was 56 gramms..... dry weight today and smoking is 18 g's....
hey DWR,,ltns,,you cut that one,,OMG,,why,,,it looked fine,,,you gotta grow some patcience man,,,,that was no where near ready,,in my few grows they have always taken longer than the due date,,but that looks like a waste,,also in my few grows the giant fan leves are usually yellowing,,or falling right off,,look on-line for some patcience,,lol,,sorry,,j/k,, well,, kinda,,not,,err,,,ok,,,never mind,,ya got more,,,in the end,,you'll be way happier if ya just wait,,keep up the good grow work,,with what you have or may have
Keep on Growin
thnx hole due to lack of space she had to goand she was the smallest one....
This weed really sucks, i dont know if im even gona keep them... just throw them out, just got 200g's to smoke on, should laste me about 1 - 2 months... so i can wait for the other strains to complete as they wont take as long
thnx for comming by hole, peace
I agree with hole 100%, it wasnt done, but U had to do what was needed for space.
Dude, wait until the bud has been drying for 7-10 days until U smoke it again. freshly cut bud is never that potent, it MUST be dried first. once the bud dries and begins to shrivel, water and chlorophyll is evaporated, leaving behind mostly THC and leaf material.
once Ur there, let it cure for a week, If U have a large enough amount, U can do what I always do and pick off 1.5 grams per day to sample.
(most medicinal joints are prescribed at .5-.8 grams, so 1.5g wet is reduced to essentially the same weight after it dries & cures) each day you should notice it getting stronger and stronger. stick it somewhere away from sight and temptation.
Curing is important bcuz it turns the THC into a more PSYcHO-Active form, giving U a much better high.
once U open the jar its curing in you'll be hit with that funky ass lemony-sativa smell, like I said before kinda like gasoline or fuel, maybe with a hint of pine. and I guarantee it wont even take 5 hits to put U on ur ass.