DWR's 1st Journal - Going BIG !

thnx man

Going to get new strains today :) as soon as my lights go on i will be on the way to get

Orange Bud, Double Gum, ( Maybe Cindarella ) and some diffrent strains... i got to look at the list first... but those i just listed are a MUST ^^
Yeah i saw that guy's journal and i was like DAMN !

thats the weed i want to grow ! Very intense light poison green colour ^^
DAY 11

Temps 22.3 Cold ..... :D very....
ph: 5.8





good luck amigo... im having serious issues with bag seeds.... if you are willing to let me in on that seed hook up i would be much obliged :)
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How can i let you in on my seeds ? I cant give u the adress because i dont want google to find it... i'll send you a pm

*cant send you a pm *
I'm at home going hard ^^

Hey jo check this out :) havnt show'd anyone but this is a little pre-release of my veg cab ! got shit in there to get rid of !

Oh and going to seed shop tomorrow, didnt have enough time. Had a hard time fixing my bathroom ^^ Broke the bath, rofl ^^



Clone'd big plants lower branches also cut of what isnt needed ;) And yeah i made clones ^^


Was gona get seeds thats why there's so much earth there, prepared the little pots...



^^ I love White Widow and i will be growing this clone for a long time ! Hope she's good. I was thinking hey, after all that stress she had under the cfl's she might of goten angry and was screaming for male's, then me the Idiot leave's the door open so she cant even flower. She must of been pissed off with me. But no she can scream even louder ^^



Veg Room

Has 5 Slots as big as this one.... and i can take the wood way to make it bigger... And its about 1.5m Long x 1 meter wide & 2.45 meters high.... with power supply, a light bulb... lol ^^

and loads of junk !

I'll make a pic...
be more careful with your clones, if you get an air bubble in it with it laying on the ground like that, it's dead.

great work

i got scared of a cold front coming through here, so i hiked into the woods and dragged my 2 plants that are out there back inside.

man, it's scary walking down the road at 1 am with 2 4 foot tall plants. 1 in each arm.

gonna wait 2 days till the cold passes and back they go, but i got 2 , 2 1/2 foot more to go with them.

got 12 clones here that just started growing.

gonna let the big ones go, grow the clones for 2 weeks, then take 1 of each and bud them to sex them.

gonna let the remaining 8 grow out doors by the big ones and bring in a female and bud her and if one of the small clones is a male, grow it to get pollen and sprinkle some on the female I bud.

i want lots of buds and a bunch of seeds on a bud or 2 to resupply.

gonna keep a rotation going.

should have ounces for the summer and fall and end up with a pound or 2 for the winter once the big ones bloom.

i'll prob have about 10 outside.

i niped the buds and have many sprouts growing to get even more buds and make it not look so much like a pot plant from the air.

I love this hobby.
^^ cool

sounds like you realy care bout those plants ^^

HEy guy's check my VEG Closet out ^^




:) 17'600 lumens there.... for vegin.... its ok.......
Woooo-Hooooo,,,,kik'n it,,wish I had done so from day one,,ppl should learn from this,,,,If you go all out for your crop,,the first time,,,it prolly won't take 4-5 grows to figure it out,,if you get the right shit,,and follow the directions,,,you can't go wrong,,,,and all the directions are right here,,on RIU

Keep on Growin

Woooo-Hooooo,,,,kik'n it,,wish I had done so from day one,,ppl should learn from this,,,,If you go all out for your crop,,the first time,,,it prolly won't take 4-5 grows to figure it out,,if you get the right shit,,and follow the directions,,,you can't go wrong,,,,and all the directions are right here,,on RIU

Keep on Growin


rofl you'r allways stoned hole you miss the ..... and make ,,,,,, happens to me allot because im used to make comas :P:P:P

rofl, ^^ like that there, and this aswell...... :D

Hey still at home smoking on this weed, damn...... Gona get the half past train to the big city ^^

Well i never had a veg room before, it seems like a good idea, I want to harvest every 3 weeks.... then i want to harvest atleast 1 Pound evry month...

just watch ^^ i'll be there in a half year ^^