Its up to yourself m8 your plants look perfect as they are but it should improve your yields at the end im sure
i always trim the bottem myself because my plants be bunched close togeather like yours only smaller scale and the bottom half or 1/3 of my plants do not get much light, plus under the bottem 1/3 the yields isent worth much in the end .
So i trimm it all away at least the bottem 1/3 and it lets all the hps lights energy and intensity focus on those big heavy cholas to get bigger ,Rather than it being waisted on the popcorn honey oil buds at the bottem
Ive seen the name lollypop be used for this method latley ive been doing it for years i think they use the name lolly pop because the bottem 3rd is like a lolly stick with the lolly on top i guess
Why dont you try on some and see if your yields are any better .. You should see the difference once the start growing again in 2-3 days
Keep it up my friend