dxm anybody?


hey guys i was gunna try some tussin cuz i wanna see the trip off it and dont wanna take a buncha triple cs altho ive heard and seen good results from them but would this tussin be ok?
CVS Tussin Cough Formula Maximum Strength Active Ingredient (in each 5 ml Teaspoonful): Dextromethorphan HBr, USP (15 mg).: is this usp ok? its an 8oz bottle but i did a calculater thing and it recomends a 500mg dose so im going to drink a little more than half. Im 150 pounds you guys think this would be alright for a first trip? and would drinking on it be a bad idea? Thanks

Yeah. As long as DXM is the only active ingredient you are good. The rest is basically alcohol and sugar. Since you are a new comer one bottle will get you going pretty good.

Enjoy and I hope it opens your mind as wide as it did mine.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I didn't respond sooner Noob but I was in jail for a few days on a P.V. Just go ahead and drink the whole bottle. Whenever I do any of the "Tussins" ie: Robotussin, Wal-Mart tussin, ect. I usually drink at least a minimum of 8oz. The max I ever drank was 24oz. That was quite a wild ride! Definitely don't recommend that much for your first trip.
8 oz. is actually a pretty low dose.
Good Luck and let us know how it goes :-)


Well-Known Member
Anybody take the Coracedin pills? the one with the heart shape on the box. I took 6 at first then popped 2 more an hour after it kicked in, my friend just popped all 8 of his at the begining, he's done it before so he built up tolerence. Smoked a bowl, followed by the best trip of my life. We just sat in his car and listened to tool for 6 hours..those Honda's last forever. But yea it was fukin bad ass. that was the 2nd time i tripped off dxm, the 1st time was 2 bottles of cough surup, shit was extreme but it was over kill, had to lay down the whole time, which wasnt bad, but it just wasnt that good of a trip, it was visual but it was just sloppy. Any lights hurt my eyes/head. My pupils were the size of my eye color for 2 days, i just slept it off. But im glad i got back on the horse and tripped off the pills 4 sure. Nice extraction btw