• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

dxm anyone?


Well-Known Member
Do any of ya'll like it? Its one of my personal favorite drugs, it gets a horrible rap because its mostly young kids drinking robitussin cause they can't find anything else or what have you.. But you can also get the pure powder online or get the gel caps.

Anyway I take em a lot its a very nice trip that is somewhat predictable (I mean dosage and plateou wise) sometimes I mix things up and add lsa or smoke a bit of weed to change the high/hallucination.

Wanted to know if ya'll like it and experiences, I've never had a bad trip so please leave em out, I don't like to think about it


Well-Known Member
I've done alot of stuff including lsd mushrooms etc and the highest I've ever been was on DXM. It took me to another world. It's like ecstasy with a crazy psychedelic. I wouldn't recommend it, as its fucking poison to your brain. It causes mood issues too.


Well-Known Member
Right on man.. And yes it does, also not everyone can handle the trip for 6 hrs.
But I think as long as you limit to a few times er month you'll be ok

I used to take It multiple times a week for about a year I love taking it at night and turning on music and you just lay in bed and tri all night:) ahh good times. But lack of sleep and to much dxm was fucking with my head....

Anyway that's not what I wanted this to be about. What plateou do you prefer or where you at.
It can do some crazy things


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah I have some crazy memories off DXM. I was at this fascist boarding school my first trip and they took us to a nice hotel to do this show for our parents to make them think we weren't being abused or something (long story) but a few off us got our hands on some tussin and I drank a whole bottle and unbeknownst to me you aren't supposed to mix SSRI's (which I was on at the time) and dxm so I tripped HARD. Long story short I got kicked off the stage and couldn't move for a couple hours haha. I don't think it's really worth it unless you go to the 2nd of 3rd. I've seen two of my friends go to the 4th and one of them described it as life changing.

How much do you usually take?


Well-Known Member
Yea bro, serotonin poisoning gotta be careful...
I can't drink the stuff, infact I can't even take the capsuls anymore. Imajine taking a bunch of niacin. Your body will slowly HATE the dyes and sugars. The capsuls don't have much crap in em so I took them most often.
But 1 bottle is 20 pills , 1 bottle is also 1 plateou.. For beginners to medium users

I found 1 bottle to be that of ecstacy but slightly trippier. 2 bottles and you can't walk anymore, the bed will float and turn into a falling/rising for most people and turn into a magic carpet and get trippy when you close your eyes..

3 bottles was where I was home. I would float on my magic carpet over beautiful cities, soar into space and go into other worlds.. Very fantastic, peaceful and beautiful

4 bottles I like but you be careful. That is when you see your thoughts floating around you, you no longer have a body, you are simply an entity a being as it were. You will no longer have memories so your personality is gone its just you and god or whatever you dream up..

Anyway lol I started rambling


Well-Known Member
I don't know, it had a huge body load - even pure, the amounts one has to take tend to upset my sense of propriety. Although I tended to like taking enough to just barely enter the 2nd level - beyond that it just made me feel like I was delerious.


Well-Known Member
We used to drink that shit in the 60's when we couldn't get real drugs. Weed is still the only substance that does no harm with no hang over at all.


Well-Known Member
Definately, it does harm and the hangover which I think feels cool mxed with weed lasts well into the next day with dilated upils and all.

I'm not sure what you mean about body load? The more you take you literally can't move and you'll go numb , somepeople who can't handle the drug.. This is when it kicks in. You won't be able to feel yourself breathing or your hear beat and it can get bad


Well-Known Member
Yea bro, serotonin poisoning gotta be careful...
I can't drink the stuff, infact I can't even take the capsuls anymore. Imajine taking a bunch of niacin. Your body will slowly HATE the dyes and sugars. The capsuls don't have much crap in em so I took them most often.
But 1 bottle is 20 pills , 1 bottle is also 1 plateou.. For beginners to medium users

I found 1 bottle to be that of ecstacy but slightly trippier. 2 bottles and you can't walk anymore, the bed will float and turn into a falling/rising for most people and turn into a magic carpet and get trippy when you close your eyes..

3 bottles was where I was home. I would float on my magic carpet over beautiful cities, soar into space and go into other worlds.. Very fantastic, peaceful and beautiful

4 bottles I like but you be careful. That is when you see your thoughts floating around you, you no longer have a body, you are simply an entity a being as it were. You will no longer have memories so your personality is gone its just you and god or whatever you dream up..

Anyway lol I started rambling
I dunno what you've been told or have been reading, but there isn't a such thing as "beginner" or "medium" users. DXM is weight relative, and 4 bottles would probably be enough to kill most people, so I really don't enjoy seeing full bottles used as a measuring device. The best bet is to find a DXM plateau calculator online and do it up with that. I only weigh about 120 lbs, so usually 400-500 mg is about as much as I like to do, with that dose getting me into the 3rd plateau range fairly easily.

Anyway, with that said, I quite enjoy DXM. Well, I did, for a while. I've tripped more times than I could ever care to count, sometimes multiple times in one day. I've done upwards of 1 g at a time, and I've never touched the Cosmos harder in my life. Some people trip without smoking reefer on it, but if you ask me, that defeats the whole point. You trip exponentially harder when you smoke some good. I like to dose up, then wait about 1.5-2 hours, and smoke myself into balls-tripping-land.

There's not really anything that compares to DXM done right. I've tried all sorts of shit, and there's just something magical about being sucked into a Dex hole. I can't even really attempt to put it into words.


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh... Well you just said you took upwards of a g and weigh 120lbs.. So yes it is weight relative but you most certainly get a tolerance. And fast! So you answered your own question

And I don't like being told the information I'm giving could kill someone, stop hating 4 bottles 20 pills each at like 15mg(either that or 20 I don't feel like googling) definately will get you triping, dying? No

But yes it is quite amazing, have you hit plateou sigma?:) its ... Interesting


Well-Known Member
Oh I wanted to add when you smoked weed with it could you still remember your trip

Towards the end it felt kinda like a dream like you can remember but not really, only when I smoked though
Which is why I like also doing it without weed


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh... Well you just said you took upwards of a g and weigh 120lbs.. So yes it is weight relative but you most certainly get a tolerance. And fast! So you answered your own question

And I don't like being told the information I'm giving could kill someone, stop hating 4 bottles 20 pills each at like 15mg(either that or 20 I don't feel like googling) definately will get you triping, dying? No

But yes it is quite amazing, have you hit plateou sigma?:) its ... Interesting
I'm not hating, I was merely saying that not everyone can handle a full four bottles. Yes, you do develop a tolerance, exponentially in fact. But from the get go, that's a bit much. DXM can and WILL kill you if you don't respect it. I'm not looking for confrontation, we can all get along with the warm glow of dextro.

That time I did >1g, it was indescribable. Didn't matter if my eyes were open or closed, there were colors and swirls and memories and shit I couldn't even begin to remember. I'm pretty sure that particular trip ended in a dark, scary place. Really high dosages are a dark, seedy rabbit hole to go down, but definitely something worth doing if you can come out still sane. Here recently I'm lucky to do it every six months. Last time I watched Requiem for a Dream and it was the most horrifying thing I've ever done. I think about due for another trip, actually.


Well-Known Member
Yea yea, I can see how I was a bit....brash

Anywhoo I notice you say due for another trip. I found that I couldn't get anything from it anymore, the so called 50 hit limit they call it... But definately not 50.
I stopped for a year so I could get it back, is that what your talking about or are you just trying to spare your brain.

I love the darkness though, like mushrooms are a bit happier pschadelic like and dxm is dark not really scary but its never been a giggle fest you know, just more introspective


Well-Known Member
On drinking those thick, artificial cherry flavored drinks in order to get a buzz - this stuff is really bad for your liver and kidneys, if you cannot obtain DMX as a pure powder you can very easily dissolve your liquid in water and baseify the liquid, your material will pecipitate in a little while and can be then filtered out of that nauseating crap filled liquid and you will have realitvely pure DMX that can be accurately measured and stored.


dxm???????Please go on DMT, the strongest psychedelic experience you can have in your life, materially enter into the unlimited world of spirits


Well-Known Member
From my experience any hallucinogen is equally strong, effects and how much you gotta take is what differs. Don't knock dxm, while dmt has a place I prefer dxm... That and I don't have easy access to it, where do you get yours?


Well-Known Member
The two are worlds apart and cannot be compared. i agree with qwizo, all hallucinogens are "equally strong" where it counts.


Well-Known Member
I used to do DXM daily when I was younger and really only a year or two ago I was still into it a lot.. Loved that stuff. Still do, I refuse to drink cough medicine. A few months ago, I took like... Wayyy to much and did whippits on top of it, couldn't even finish the whippets, I would have seized out or something. But anyways, I was just soooo disoriented.. It wasn't even enjoyable. I blacked out.

Anyways, I did way to much. I used to do that much all the time. I guess I had a tolerance. I can't remember what I even took. I think it was 3 robitussin bottles and a box of triple c's? Maybe it was just two bottles. I don't really remember. Regardless it was to much.
On the brighter side, my buddy ordered some powder and told me he wanted to have a meditation session with it. This was just two nights ago actually. I took 500mg, and I was fine. It was actually quite fun. No nausea.. Anyways, the night consisted of us meditating with candles in our hands(really works by the way). And I cant really explain what I experienced. But thats DXM for ya. All I know is that what happens to me while meditating on DXM is something that only really K can compare to. I've never lost myself so deep on any kind of psychedelic, besides abnormally high dosages, but even that is different. But maybe Im just not trying hard enough on them with smaller dosages.

I used to stay up for days at a time on accident on DXM just laying on my bed listening to weird ass music floating through outer space, playing bloons tower defense on my brain.

I prefer 3rd and 4th plateau. Sigma is nuts. I dont have the windows anymore. Work to much. Plus I've sigma'd multiple times and.. Towards the end of every time I felt like death I remember.
Smoking weed on it is great. I always preferred synthetic weed on it though for awhile. Nucking futz.
My advice is to take a 4th plateau dose, and then once your there, take a small dose of a psychedelic (1 hit LSD, 1 gram mushrooms etc..[if your experienced that is]). That is always a.. Trip..

What kind of music do you like?


Well-Known Member
You know I've always found dxm and k very similar both are a bit dark, not the magical trippy that I get with acid. I've always found them to be best done meditating or whatever in that kind of environment, the others are neat with friends. But I like to get on that other level.. You can get so deep in your thoughts you lose yourself.

I can't smoke the fake weed.

As to music, I really don't even know any music.. Normally I just through my xm radio on moodscapes. But in general I'm a fan of hip hop.. Southern rap
But that doesn't really go...

Sigma I don't visit too often... Gets a bit too much after tripping so hard for days when on dxm hours alone feel like days. I could literally waste my life away laying in bed on a 4th plateou dose forever, I love it.. I made "ghetto acid" out of morning glories a lot and mixed that it was awesome I literally was in a comic book
I didn't see my self moving I was holding the lighter over weed, the a comic bubble with the words flash and the flame of the lighter is frozen.. Then I see a pic of myself blowing out smoke
Absolutely insane when I mix lsa (morning glories)
I love the trip is different everytime. I always end up in outerspace though