Dxm trip report-not fun!


Active Member
At 8:39 I finished a 200ml bottle of robo dry forte, due to feeling nauseous I smoked a half a joint of hydro. about an hour and a half later I experienced the second plateau I lied down feeling like I was being spun around intensely uncomfortable, I went to the bathroom to get a drink and puked everywhere, after the vomiting subsided I returned to my bed were I noticed a rise in body heat and overall feeling of having a temperature, I experienced many wonderful closed eye hallucinations and when I opened my eyes things looked wired and darted back and forth, at some point I must have fallen asleep I remember waking up hours later not sure if I had been awake tripping for hours or the things I had experienced were my dream then I eventually dosed off and woke up Its been almost 14 hours, it's safe to say I will never do this again. If you enjoy vomiting, feelings of Intense dizziness and a temperature then this is the drug for you, last night was a blur and I feel so much better smoking my Mary Jane : P don't do this shit, I can't imagine how you could enjoy this or maybe it's my body's reaction I don't know but this is not a fun drug or by any means a safe one
Stay toking. :)


Active Member
Thats why you dont drink straight up syrup which is terrible for you and not even a good way to get dxm, you should have looked for robotussin soft gels all they are is pure dxm 15mg a peice no tylanol. i have personally done these numerous times and have not experienced any of the effects described and found it to be quite enjoyable especaily while smoking bud.


Well-Known Member
DXM differs for every person. On higher doses I get dizzy with my eyes OPEN which makes me really nauseous. But if I close my eyes an lie down and don't move it seems to subside.


Active Member
I have tripped off cleaned up DXM and the first couple times was okay, but after that it was bad, and I kept feeling sick. So I just said fuck it. I only did it a handful of time, but that was enough for me. I like my weed and occasional alcohol, and sometimes shrooms. Other than that, I don't mess with chemical/pharmaceutical based anything anymore. Only natural plant based fun. :weed:


Active Member
i like dxm, i just cant deal with the unscrachable itch.

which is odd because the opioid/opiate itch is what makes the buzz for me. i loooovvvveeeee that itch