CC&C is definitely not the way to go, as russ0r said the powder is the way to go, but there is another alternative besides that and chugging the cough syrup (I once chugged 16oz of that stuff a few years ago, around 1400mg DXM if I remember correctly DON"T DO THIS). These days they have robotussin cough gels with 15mg of DXM(per pill, 300mg per bottle) as the only active ingredient, not sure if you can find them everywhere but they've got them in most stores by me.
From what I've heard/read drinking a large amount of cough syrup (8oz or so) is equal to a really heavy week of drinking to your liver/kidneys.
Also DXM trips are segmented into different 'Plateaus' describing the intensity of the trip.
[/font]There is also another plateau that some say they've reached called Sigma plateau, and it's usually described as dying, so don't take too much.
I'm tired of typing but I'll try and answer any other questions you've got about dxm.