Dying bud leaves


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I was hoping someone could help me out with this problem I'm having. It starts around mid flower. My setup is coco dtw in 2 gallon pots, using canna a+b, calimagic +, senizyme, drip clean, and mob. PPMs come to around 800. PH usually drifts to 6.2 after setting it at 5.8 every couple of days.
Top of plant looks okay, pretty much lower on the plant to worse it is.
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Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I was hoping someone could help me out with this problem I'm having. It starts around mid flower. My setup is coco dtw in 2 gallon pots, using canna a+b, calimagic +, senizyme, drip clean, and mob. PPMs come to around 800. PH usually drifts to 6.2 after setting it at 5.8 every couple of days.
Top of plant looks okay, pretty much lower on the plant to worse it is.
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Looks like root issues.


Well-Known Member
I agree I am seeing small pot maybe it is not enough for this plant.
I alwasy thought you could grow decent sized plants in small pots of coco. They are in 2 gallon pot, and plants are maybe 2 feet tall. My other plants are only about a foot, so about half the size. Hopefully those will not star t to do t he same. If they do I guess I know I need bigger pots.
Thanks for the help guys!


Well-Known Member
DSCN0650.JPG DSCN0653.JPG It's more like a fungal pathogen that's why the knats' were around. Just had the same problem and lost over 50 % of my crop from it. It starts in the roots and will slowly progress to the base of the stock. The plants will die. If this is the case ditch them all and remove the infected plants from the room along with all the soil and clean your room before you start again or you'll risk infecting all of your other plants.
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Well-Known Member
Plant is not root bound at all. I actually pulled it from the pot to take a look. This fungal pathogen thing has me scared since I do perpetual grow. Is there any way to treat this pathegen?
Thanks everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Both, it is happening on the 2 oldest plants. One is a seed plant, one is a clone. It's a drip to waste system, so the rise in ph is happening inside my res. Guess I should check the runoff ph?
Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Both, it is happening on the 2 oldest plants. One is a seed plant, one is a clone. It's a drip to waste system, so the rise in ph is happening inside my res. Guess I should check the runoff ph?
Thanks everyone!
I have never found run-off pH to be an accurate test for coco. My run-off pH comes out regularly below a 5pH and I don't have any problems. A slurry test will give you a better idea what the coir pH is.
Are you running an air stone in your rez ? You could be introducing the spores into your rez this way, one reason why I mix fresh nutes' daily, I don't like them sitting around and getting contaminated.


Well-Known Member
I removed my air stone a couple of grows ago, thought is was making my ph swing more. I usually have to mix a new Batch weekly. Don't think I could do the daily thing, just too busy. I guess I'll just let everything finish, clean everything, then start over.
Thanks again everyone for all the help, it is truly appreciated!

pink isn't well

Active Member
View attachment 3537719 View attachment 3537720 It's more like a fungal pathogen that's why the knats' were around. Just had the same problem and lost over 50 % of my crop from it. It starts in the roots and will slowly progress to the base of the stock. The plants will die. If this is the case ditch them all and remove the infected plants from the room along with all the soil and clean your room before you start again or you'll risk infecting all of your other plants.

lol, I thought it it was gnats. with a G, I like it with a k more now I saw that.


Well-Known Member
Oh, by the way. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone again for the the help! This forum is by far the best I have found!!