Dying leaves at the end of flower HELP!


Soo i'm growing my first plant ever (grape god) in a phototron (little grow box with 6 cfos and a hanging light). I'm on day 47 of flower and have about another 1-2 weeks left, however, for the past week I've been seeing leaves turning yellow to the point of them fall off like the fan leaves on the lower part of the plant. No yellowing in the bud leaves just lower fan leaves and it seems like its getting further and further up. I try to pluck them right before they look like they're going to fall off and i'm plucking/finding 2-6 dead/yellowed leaves a day.. Now my question is, is this normal? I thought the leaves just turn yellowish and it moves up and up but didn't think the leaves actually yellowed to the point of falling off? Thanks guys

Jus Naturale

Active Member
It's normal. According to your plant, it's getting to be late fall, so (assuming you've cut down on/stopped feeding nutes) its leaves are starting to change color and die off. All that's happening is that the plant is sucking the nutrients from the leaves, which is a good thing. That's the point of flushing or tapering off the nutes near the end, and will keep your buds from tasting bad/green.

Of course, this is sight unseen, so pics may change my thinking (and, of course, Grape God can be a pretty plant, too).


Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I am a keep it green till the end person. If you don't think starving your plant is a good idea then give them a nitrogen boost. Why starve your plant when they are in need of the nutrients most. Im giving a grow boost in the 5 th week of flower to see if this keeps em green till the end. If you cure correctly you won't tats the chlorophyll . Flushing is mostly for commercial growers who want a fast product( that's why it taste like ass) . They don't cure. The curing process is what break down the chlorophyll and other nasty tastes and turns them in to a wonderful palette of tastes and aromas. Do your autos turn yellow before harvest. I suspect not by the way your talking why is this?


Well-Known Member
I am a keep it green till the end person. If you don't think starving your plant is a good idea then give them a nitrogen boost. Why starve your plant when they are in need of the nutrients most. Im giving a grow boost in the 5 th week of flower to see if this keeps em green till the end. If you cure correctly you won't tats the chlorophyll . Flushing is mostly for commercial growers who want a fast product( that's why it taste like ass) . They don't cure. The curing process is what break down the chlorophyll and other nasty tastes and turns them in to a wonderful palette of tastes and aromas. Do your autos turn yellow before harvest. I suspect not by the way your talking why is this?
From what ive seen I disagree I flush about 1 week before harvest for 15 minz straight clean water then straight back onto the nuts as normal I get yellow leaves still ppl who flush straight water for 1 week straight is dumb lol a flush takes 15minz

Note: During the last few weeks before harvest, marijuana plants starts pulling all the remaining nitrogen from her leaves as part of the bud-making process. This causes yellowing leaves starting towards the bottom of the plant. This is part of the natural flowering process and you don't need to fight it.You may notice that marijuana leaves are yellowing in almost all pictures of marijuana plants with big buds that are close to harvest. You tend to get smaller yields from nitrogen-toxic plants with dark green leaves at harvest.


Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I agree to the fact that at the end it happens naturally. Not at 5 weeks! 6-8 leaves a day is a lot when you still have at least 3 weeks left. IMO they need a nitrogen boost to sustain them for a week or two before the natural process takes over at around 7 weeks or so. I would not want your yield to be diminished cause they needed a bit more food. Right about now they should be getting ready for their second plumping up spirt! They are hungry and will continue to be hungry till you feed them and bud production will not be at its potential.


Well-Known Member
Yes pics would help. My thoughts about flushing...

From my experience with every strain, flushing produces a better final product. It's the commerical guys who DON'T flush and pump nutes in until the very end because it increases yeild. A cure breaking down chlorophyll is a myth, green=chlorophyll, so unless a cure changes the color of your bud I don't see how it's breaking down.

If you water your plants, then about 5-10mins later cut off a leaf, you will notice that water will actually 'come out' where you removed the leaf. This is because your plant is drinking, taking everything you just gave it up into its tissue. If your feeding with salts, it gets into the TISSUE of the plant, it takes at least a few days for the plant to use this up-a cure will never get the salts out of your plant.

Now I think that 2 weeks is a little extreme, and I also believe most people cut their plants too early because they think amber trichs are bad or 'degraded' thc, but a flush for the final week will give you that white burning funk.

Unless your completely organic, a proper flush=proper product. I start removing fan leaves the last couple weeks as well. Again, this is what produces the best tasting product for ME- I know some people will disagree with everything I just said : )


Active Member
Yes pics would help. My thoughts about flushing...

From my experience with every strain, flushing produces a better final product. It's the commerical guys who DON'T flush and pump nutes in until the very end because it increases yeild. A cure breaking down chlorophyll is a myth, green=chlorophyll, so unless a cure changes the color of your bud I don't see how it's breaking down.

If you water your plants, then about 5-10mins later cut off a leaf, you will notice that water will actually 'come out' where you removed the leaf. This is because your plant is drinking, taking everything you just gave it up into its tissue. If your feeding with salts, it gets into the TISSUE of the plant, it takes at least a few days for the plant to use this up-a cure will never get the salts out of your plant.

Now I think that 2 weeks is a little extreme, and I also believe most people cut their plants too early because they think amber trichs are bad or 'degraded' thc, but a flush for the final week will give you that white burning funk.

Unless your completely organic, a proper flush=proper product. I start removing fan leaves the last couple weeks as well. Again, this is what produces the best tasting product for ME- I know some people will disagree with everything I just said : )
A cure dosnt break down chlorophyll, rather simple sugars. After harvest and dry, before you cure try a bud, it will taste almost sickly sweet. then try after a 2 week cure and the sweetness will be almost gone. I am not sold on flushing nor do I think giving nutes to the end is the way to go. If you constantly grow the same strain and know EXACTLY how long it takes to finish a flush is probably a good idea, but most of us grow different strains and only have a rough estimate of when it will finish, thus feeding nutes to the end or very close to is not a bad idea. If your strain says 8-9 weeks and you stop feeding at 6 weeks and it actually takes 10-11 weeks you will loose yield and potancy. DONT FIGHT THE FADE, BUT DONT CAUSE IT TO START TOO EARLY!