Dying seedling


Well-Known Member
We all think better pics and more details are needed.
I'm going to assume you used a soil heavy with nutes or you possibly thought giving a seedling nutes was a good idea.


No nutes just water. I moved the seedling more towards the center point of my lighting and went out for a bit came back and I was in the current condition.My medium isn’t hot either just peat,coco perlite mix ,I also went to 24 today instead of 18/6 I’ll grab some better pics shortly


first picture the medium looks very overwatered. 2nd picture also looks like the rockwool cube is holding too much water.
Does the pot feel too heavy? Maybe the medium doesn't drain good


Well-Known Member
I ram 24hr of 4 bulb T5s down my seedlings throats because I keep forgetting to grab another $5 timer and they are fine, but if you are using something bigger than a florescent, it might be too much if you have it close.
My first thought was also too much water, that first pic looks pretty wet for a pot that's been left for hours.