Dynasty/Blue Heron or CCK any comments, opinions or experience?

no clue

Well-Known Member
Last April I bought some Blue Heron and CCK. I see things have changed for Professor P and Dynasty seeds since. Anyway, I have room, so I just popped 3 BHs . Anyone like to comment on any of this? Not much info that I can find on Blue Heron apart from what Dynasty says
Excellent. I hope to get a keeper or two maybe. I ordered these with the plan to start keeping moms
I have a pack of BH too they are in the breeders pack with a date on the that says 2011 but bought last year. So it must have been older stock. I never found much info on the strain either....... I guess I will try and do a seed run with these. What happened to dynasty seeds? I havn't been around much for the last 8 or 9 months
not sure what happened, p didn't divulge much info. just stated that he lost a bunch of strains. some were going to still be around. blue heron was one that didn't make it but he is working on a true blue magoo bx. basically working blue heron closer to blue magoo. last time he was on though he mentioned being a bit discouraged by the online community and was keeping it local.
Mine also were in breeders pack says DYNASTY seeds in black writing then BLUE HERON in blue writing then blue magooxbluemagoo/huckleberry 2011. Kinda excited to run these..though it's probably not a good sign that they discontinued them