e regular leaves


Active Member
i just switched to flowering from 24 hours to 12/12. since then my leaves started to curl all funny and look weird. is this just the plant being confused going from 24 hrs to 12/12 hrs? that would be my guess,
any advice?


Well-Known Member
My plants usually perk up more going in to flowering! The hps lights are little stronger and the extra 6 hours of beauty sleep doesn't hurt either:lol: You really need a pic with what dirt/nutes your given and when given

These are 2 weeks flowering today~

Picture 417.jpgPicture 414.jpg


Active Member
my humidity stays around 50-60, temp stays around 75-83, using an organic potting mix, used some store bought nutes for veg, an got some tiger bloom for flower. i havent started adding nutes yet i wont add them until 3 days from now, im only using a 150wat HPS nothin crazy since i dont have a ton of plants to accomidate. ill have pictures posted in a little bit, lights are off rite now.


Active Member
they are deff perking up like that thats forsure, i just did a small flush so there really isnt much in it at the moment but in three days i start flowering nutes


Well-Known Member
The curling and twisting that could be root bound issue too or maybe it's drooping from lack of nutes. When going into flowering the plant is calling for more and different nutes than the veg nutes. Sorry I can't name'em like some people on here. The pic will help in determining if it's root bound or under fed or whatever.


Active Member
heres some pictures

it could possibly be the lack of nutes because i did a flush a few days before switching to flower, i didnt water for those few days after flush but then it got dry and about 3 days into flower i gave it a small watering. its been about 3 more days since that watering and im gonna go ahead and wait 2 more days for everything to dry up then imma start using my flowering nutrients caus itll be about a week into flowering by then. im using water soluble tiger bloom for my flower.
for my veg i used potting mix which helped it last for a month or so then i did a quarter shot of this stuff called big tomatoes, (its some reg plant food from home depot i hadnt gotten my fox farm nutes yet) so that the plant would continue growing bigger until it was big enough for me for flower. its probly a combination of nutes and the light switching, its not bad at all as u can see in the pics im thinking give it another week from now and itll be looking healthier than ever


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Yeah your pot's way too small. Why did you go 24 on? It might be stress, plants really don't like that at all.


Active Member
damn im in a 5 gallon bucket have been for a while, idk why i do 24 hours its just how ive always done my grows, i know u can do 24 on all the time or u can do like 18on 6 off or somethin like that, that was my plan for my next grow do 18 on 6 off, it got vegged in the 5 gal for most of its vegging life and i vegged it a good 20 inches before switching it to flower caus i was trying to get some monster plants but i guess i shoulda started small then transplanted, i didnt do much transplanting this grow, just from the red cup to the 5 gallon. also its at 24 inches now i measured em earlier
i dont know why there would be much stress on the plant i dont think ive done much to put it under any stress.
got any advice on this one?


Active Member
i guess i shoulda flowered earlier. i dont think i could transplant it either since its 24 inches tall an spent pretty much all its life in that 5 gal, and i just put it into flower a week ago, itd go straight into some hardcore shock