Well-Known Member
Your legitimacy is in question as well, how can you say no product is 100% safe, we aren't going down the rabbit hole we are discussing science here.
I want to be clear I am not here to pick a fight just to regulate the bullshit being spewed all over.
When I say no product is 100% safe I'm talking about those who simply don't understand the product and how to use it. Misusing any product will have adverse effects on health, even "organics" pesticides. In my earlier post I gave examples I gave for forbid f4 or eagle 20, light breaks down the product and not having a good light source will result in having the product still within the plant.
If you spray 10x the recommended of any organic pesticide and smoke it you'll do yourself some harm. No product is "organic" as everyone knows. Trace chemicals even if not added by the manufacturer are in ingredients used to make the pesticide.
It is "science" but every environment the product is used in is different. Variables in one grow room differs from another. Its not as simple and clear cut as you think, such as spray with this and its safe. You simply dont know another growers use of c02, ventilation, air circulation, and in my opinion the most important light source. You talk about science yet discount the multiple variables that cannot be accounted for which break down the product.
Water isn't even 100% safe, if you don't use well water your local water source normally has ammonia spikes and trace elements that can be dangerous for us to smoke. Sure it maybe fine if you drink it but not if you smoke it. So if the water from your tap isn't safe how can any product be 100% bullet proof when you cannot account for all variables?
Its like stating if I go to a river and take a water sample one day then it'll be the exact same the next day. In a perfect world yes, but what if some jack ass threw used motor oil upstream? You dont know what are in these products. If its a pure chemical based pesticide like forbid f4 or eagle 20 then you know how the chemical breaks down and works. Controlling the variables that effect that chemical will ensure the half life and dissipation of the product. As I just stated the key is controlling the variables. Do you know whats in organic pesticides? No because the manufactures state its a secrete formula which they cannot release due to people replicating it and creating running them out of business. So how do you predict the half life and dissipation of the product you state is "100% safe" when you dont know what the hell is in it? You just take someones word when they say "oh yea you can spray up to the day of harvest."? Now who is being scientific here with these so called "safe" products?
We are discussing science but you disprove yourself by not accounting key variables of how it's used nor the conditions their applied in.